A girl with quite a rarity causes some disclarity

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Chat Noir lowered Marinette, holding her only by the hands.

"Chat what are y-you doing!" She looked down, trembling in fear. The ground was quite far from them, her vision spiraling down giving her a headache. She was to weak to pull herself back up, char dangling her hundreds of feet above the ground and all. "Don't drop me! Please!" Her eyes started to water.

"Why would I drop you?" He cocked his head with a teasing grin.

"Please!" Marinette pleaded, her eyes glued shut.

"Spread your wings. Trust me." Her said with a calming voice.

"I can't fly Chat!" Marinette screamed.

"Do you trust me?" Chat asked. Marinette hesitated.


"Then spread your wings." The words danced in the air, floating around Marinette like a dream. Th is was it. She was going to die. But yet she had enough trust and faith in him to open her creamy pink dove wings wide. "Trust me." Was all chat said and scooped her up a little higher in his arms, though she was still dangling dangerously in the sky. "Hang on!"

"You think I'm not already?!" Marinette seethed. Chat ignored her comment and flew forwards, slowly. It was an easy pace, but fast enough to blow Marinette back a little.

Her wings spread out even further, oh the joy it was to feel the wind between her feathers. She felt, real. She clapped her delicate wings to pretend she was flying. Chat smiled down, looking at her enjoy herself. He twisted sideways and ran a wing through the cloud, pulling a how to train your dragon. Marinette mimicked him, sticking her useless wing into the puffy clouds and they seamlessly streamed by.

Marinette laughed, and Chat Noir held her tighter. The girl was flying, it may have been a simulation but it was some how better than flying as LadyBug! It was an indescribable feeling that flooded her senses. She was grateful towards Chat Noir.


Chat had returned Marinette to her home safely, and bid her fair well. They had enjoyed the night together, which made Marinette sad to see him leave. The thought of him leaving so soon made her a bit disappointed. Chat was almost out of view.

"Wait! CHAT NOIR!" She called. His figure froze in the distance before flying back to her balcony.

"What is it, purrincess." He said coyly. Marinette rose an eyebrow un upMost confusion from the nickname.

"I-I have something for you. Wait here." She dashed inside her bedroom leaving Chat outside. When she returned she held a slightly torn packaged somewhat neatly wrapped. She was rather embarrassed by it's appearance but none the less she handed it to him. "H-here. F-for you." She stammered. Chat took the box hesitantly.

"It's not gonna nite me is it?" He asked.

"No." Marinette laughed. "It's the gift for that other boy. But you can have it. Go on, in wrap it." She said eagerly. Chat smiled and tore away the paper.

"A coat? Did you make this?" He asked.

"Y-yeah. It's cotton so it won't really do a-any good in the rain. But it would look nice on you!" Marinette smiled nervously as Chat Noir tried it on.

"Perfect fit." He grinned.

"Yeah I had to assume the measurements for that other boy. It may not have fit him anyways." She sighed. "Cozy?"

"And a little itchy." She complained.

"Sorry. But um... thanks for letting me fly tonight." She blushed.

Wings ~ Miraculous AU Where stories live. Discover now