Listening makes my ears sore, but please, do tell me more

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Warning: Contains mentions of war and death.  Topics mentioned in this chapter may affect some of you emotionally, and that's not saying emotional sadness or happiness. Also, World War 3 is mentioned, and I would greatly appreciate it if you don't make jokes about it because that's what the internet has been doing and it is highly offensive. I will change the start of World War three instead of what it is presumed to be in real life so that I don't offend or hurt anybody. Thank you for your time. 

Marinette could hardly sleep hat night. Chat hadn't taken her out flying for too long, but it felt like forever. But part of her didn't want it to be over. She was up late thinking about him, and what Tikki had said. Now because of her stupid emotions, she could cause something terrible to happen.

She must have fallen asleep at some point because she woke up to the sound of her alarm in the morning. She hopped out of bed after pressing snooze about 4 times, then headed to her closet. She put on her usual uniform of clothing; a grey and pink jean jacket and a tank top as well as a pair of short jeans. She kept her hair in pigtails, as always, and climbed down the stairs into the bakery.

Her ma and pa were in the backroom as she left for school, and she didn't mind not saying goodbye to them. She couldn't afford her looking at her wing and realizing it was more than a burn. She had both precious dove wings tucked into her jacket, which was unusual for her.

"Girl! You have to see this!" Alya came bounding towards Marinette.

"What?" Marinette rose an eyebrow as Alya scrambled to pull out her phone.

"Look what I saw last night! I think it's LadyBug and Chat Noir!" She showed her a video. It was unmissable Chat noir carrying someone in his arms, closely, soaring in the night sky. But who was in his arms, well, obviously Alya had no clue. Marinette saw herself in the video, a silhouette, a shadow, hiding in Chat Noir's light.

"Probably LadyBug," Marinette said, hoping to lean Alya off her trail.

"She got injured in battle yesterday, but I don't know why she's still out at night... DO YOU THINK SHE'S IN HER CIVILIAN FORM?!" Alya burst out in excitement.

"Possibly, but I don't think they know each other's identity yet." Marinette slowly shoved the phone from her face.

"I ship them. If they don't get together by next month I'm going to personally see them together."

"That's... a bit much don't you think?" Marinette asked.

  "No, why?" Alya looked at her friend with innocence gleaming in her eyes. Marinette studies her for a moment.

"We... we should get to class don't you think?" Marinette said smoothly.

"Yeah.." Alya started texting on her phone. "I already posted it on the LadyBlog." She continued to say as the walked up the stone steps of the school. "It's gotten so many views, and they're making theories as to who it could be!"

"Sounds great Alya," Marinette said blandly. Alya paused and looked at Marinette. She saw how glum the navy blue-haired girl seemed, which genuinely concerned her.

"Hey, what's up your butt?" Alya asked playfully. Marinette froze. The second most hardest thing to do in life was to lie to those you loved most. The first was losing them because of that lie.

"Nothing." She uttered and continued walking.

"Well you're turning sixteen in a couple of weeks, and you're not allowed to be depressed on your birthday," Alya said straight up as if it were a fact. Marinette almost laughed.

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