Conclusions and visions

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Adrien came running back after about fifteen minutes with the peacock brooch in his hand. He declared that he would be the one to do the fusion, which Marinette obliged to. He took back the ladybug earrings, and handed Marinette the ring of the cat, as to not have anything bad happen with his luck.

"You got this Adrien." Marinette encouraged.

"You know what to do." Tikki nodded.

"CHEESE!" Plagg burped.

"This is sudden." Dusuu, the peacock kwami whimpered.

"Sorry, Dusuu." Adrien apologized.

"That's alright. I just want to see Emily again." She sniffed.

"Ok," Adrien took a deep breath. "Dusuu, Tikki, Unify!"

He was transformed into Misterbug, with peacock wings and blue accents. His mask was rather dark, and black, instead of red. He stood confidently in his new form. He then walked over to where his mom was placed in his reading room, looking as if she had fallen asleep in her chair. Adrien felt stiff, as he crouched down next to her.

"I'm not really sure what to do." He said to Marinette, who was looking at him sadly.

"Adrien," she began. "I think..."

"Maybe just wait till she wakes up?" Adrien offered.

"No. Give the miraculous time to heal, then detransform. I think if you give your mom the brooch once it is fixed, all will be better." Marinette replied.

"You're right," Adrien said as he stood back up. He walked back to Marinette, still looking at his mom. He sighed, "She's gonna be so different if this works."

"Adrien I need to tell you something completely unrelated!" Marinette blurted out. She instantly clasped a hand over her mouth.

"What?" He asked, kindly.

"Well um... Well I'm sure it's super obvious but..." She looked at her toes. "Gosh this is a weird time to be saying this. Adrien... Adrien I think I'm in love with you."

"I already knew that." He smiled.

"What?" Marinette blinked a couple times.

"I'm pretty sure you already told me."  He shrugged. "And if not I already knew anyways. And the reality is, I like you too."

"Y-you do?" Marinette felt her face heat up. Adrien didn't seem to ever look away from her.

"Of course I do. I told you that too." Adrien sighed. "Do me a favor? Don't ever scare me like that ever again."

"Are you telling me not to get stabbed?" Marinette asked. "Cause I cannot assure that."

"Hold on," he cupped her face. "I just need to check something."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Marinette giggled.

"You still look smart. You still look courageous..." he acted like he was inspecting her face.

"Adrien what are you-"

"Gorgeous eyes? Check. Pretty hair? Check. Adorable freckles? Check" he went on.

"Adrien seriously?"

"And you still look beautiful. Just making sure you are my lady." He smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Marinette questioned.

"Will you let me call you my lady?" He asked.

"Adrien, I'm yours." Marinette jumped up and kissed him. It was a wonderful feeling. But the author couldn't describe it cause they are still single and lonely. So she will just base it on books she's read.

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