A stolen jewel from enemies at school

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Dark Cupid wasn't too hard to find, after the fact that he had already altered a majority of Paris into hatred. They formed a plan, without LadyBug mentioning the fact she had lost the use of her wing. They sent Carapace to the alleyway, near to Chat Noir. Dark Cupid would not know the presence of other miraculous wielders. So the plan would hopefully go straight forward. Rena also had herself hidden, ready for her cue.

All the while LadyBug was left on the ground feeling helpless. She wanted to cry, but she had to stay strong. She was a superhero after all! If she gave up, hundreds of more people could get hurt. She crouched on top of a building, peering down at Chat Noir who was waiting patiently in the middle of the street. 

Dark Cupid revealed himself by shooting an arrow at Chat Noir. Suspecting it, Chat Noir briskly evaded the dart. Dark Cupid sprung out of his hiding place in the roots of a billboard sign. He shot three more arrows which just regenerated in his quiver. Chat Noir spread his broad wings and carried himself into the air. Dark Cupid flew up that way as well, chasing the heroine. Chat teased him with his baton, poking at Dark Cupid obnoxiously. 

Dark Cupid snarled and grabbed the end of the baton. Chat gave him one last smirk before disintegrating into nothing. Dark Cupid hovered in the air in awestruck horror. The real Chat Noir tackled him from behind, pulling him into a chokehold snuggly around his neck. 

"How is that possible!?" Dark Cupid fumed.

"Let's just say, we got some help." Chat Noir chuckled. Rena Rouge flew with eagle wings out of her hiding place. She raised her flute, which was a form of weapon, and jabbed it into Dark Cupids' chest. Dark Cupid flinched, expecting something to happen. But soon realized he was trapped inside of a large green bubble. 

Chat Noir had flown out of the bubble in time, as Rena pushed the akumatized victim to the base. Carapace and LadyBug then came out of what seemed to nowhere and kicked the pendant on Dark Cupid's chest in sync. 

"TIME TO DE EVILIZE!" LadyBug threw her yoyo at the black butterfly that had emerged from the pendant. Dark Cupid fought but was still trapped inside Carapace's force field. LadyBug captured the Akuma and purified it. "Bye Bye little butterfly." She waved it off as the now white butterfly fluttered away. 

"Pound it?" Chat Noir offered his fist. 

"POUND IT!" They all said in unison, slamming their fists together. The four chuckled together. 

"So um... what do me and Carapace do now?" Rena asked politely. LadyBug rubbed her chin.

"I guess you keep your miraculous. You must have been chosen for a reason, I don't see any reason why we would give them back. We also still need to find Chloe and get the Bee miraculous back." LadyBug said in response. 

"So until next time dudes?" Carapace said with a questioning tone.

"I guess so." LadyBug smiled. "I'm about to transform back, just remember you must not reveal your identities to anybody! And Rena Rouge and Carapace are not party tricks!" LadBug turned away, twirling her yoyo. "Au revoir!" 

"Wait! M'lady!" Chat Noir chased after her as she used her yoyo to pull her away. She sensed his presence and traveled faster, holding her wing in one arm. "LadyBug!" He flew above her and flipped in the air, landing on his feet in front of her. She was forced to stop. 

"What do you want Chat!? I'm about to transform back!" She scolded. 

"I just wanted to apologize." He softened. His ring and her earing beeped in unison, warning them of their transformation. 

"I have less time than you, remember? And it's not your fault, it was... a different you." She smiled sweetly. 

"I just feel so guilty. I might have ruined your life forever!" His eyes started to water. He rubbed them so he wouldn't cry, not in front of her at least.

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