Chapter 2: Finding your place.

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Rosaline walks into the opera house and went around in circles for a couple of minutes, all lost in a place she has never seen before until she arrived at the managers office. Dusting herself off, she knocks on the door and hears a come in from the managers and opens the door slowly, still acting shy. Sitting down, she begins to talk with them as an interview began.

Erik began to watch the rehearsals for the ballet girls, unhappy with what he had done for himself. "If only I had told Christine that I was sorry for what happened.. If only.." He spoke to himself out of sadness. They still are looking for a leading lady, and this is the best they're doing before he heard voices coming from the managers office. Erik went over and puts his ear up against the door and heard a young lady singing amongst these voices, apparently to prove herself worthy. After a couple of minutes, the managers say that the lady is in and quickly, Erik rushed back to box 5 to hide himself away.

Rosaline went down to the stage of the opera house as she began meeting with the other ballet dancers and she began to show off some of her skills. Madame Giry was quite impressed by her skills that she cracked a smile.

(Rosaline's POV)

After practice, I went to my new dressing room to practice my lines for the play, as we already have possibly a few more hours before the thing begins. Then I see a note and a rose with a black ribbon that is tied around it. Opening the letter, I begin to read it.

"Madame, I welcome you fairly to the opera house. As you learn the basics of working here, I ask of two things; Box five is always to be kept empty and... It wouldn't be fond of you to go through that mirror behind you. The last lady that was involved, she became distressed and left with her lover. Anyway, Thanks for helping around the opera house. I'll remain loyal to you. From, O.G~"

Rosaline sets the letter aside and the Rose in the vase and got back to work until the show was ready to start. A few hours later, the time came. She gets into costume as Meg stops by and gave her some words of confidence to get her spirit up. It was her first day on the job and she only had crammed in a few hours of memorization. Meg tells her. "Good luck." Laughing softly, Rosaline nodded and did her makeup, then went to the stage, ready to make her big debut as the star of the opera house.

(Thank you all for listening. I hope you liked it.)

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