Chapter 16: A New Arrival

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(May 6th, 1878..)

It had been at least 5 years since Erik and Rosaline had returned to the Opera house and since then, they found a nice Victorian lot close to the opera house, and life couldn't get better, now could it? Oh it could. Rosaline had just turned 23 and she hadn't been feeling her best through the day, and Erik got concerned. It wasn't a common cold, it wasn't the flu, and it ain't something too serious. Both of them got confused until Rosaline decided to go to the infirmary to check what was going on.

"I just don't understand what is happening. I'm experiencing nausea, sudden changes in my feelings, and I have an urge for things that I normally wouldn't go near." She tells her doctor who was writing all of the stuff down on paper. "I see.. Well normally people who experience these symptoms, they are common signs of bearing a child, so it's nothing to worry about. If it's your first, then I'll be the first to say congratulations. I'd recommend you take it easy now." The doctor tells her and she goes on her way. Rosaline then began to panic, but then stopped to think. Erik did worry about the future offspring having his facial scars, but it's someone else to share just the same amount of love. She then walked to Christine for advice.

Christine held her little 1 year old Gustave in her arms when suddenly, she heard a knock at the door. Going over to the entrance, she opened it to see Rosaline there in a cold sweat. "Rosaline, what brings you here?" She sighs and tells her that she could be expecting her own child soon, and she needs help telling this to Erik. Christine thoughts began to trail when it clicked. She got out of the way and let her in and then she sat her down.

"Well when I told Raoul that we were having a child, he was so happy. I was pretty much straightforward about it, so maybe you could be the same with Erik, then." Rosaline nodded at her and smiles, giving a side hug. "Thanks Christine. I really needed this weight off of my shoulders slightly." And then she looks at Gustave with a cute smile. "Aww, look how big you're getting."

(Later that night)

Rosaline was cooking up some dinner when Erik comes back from his day and she asked him. "Hey sweetie. How was your day? You came just in time too. Dinner's just about ready." He sits at the table and tells her "It was rather interesting. We found a perfect male lead for the upcoming opera. So, how did the appointment with the Doctor go?" He asked her and she froze up. "About that.." She began and plated the food. "Is it bad? Say it isn't so!" Erik tells her, rather worried, and she calms down by telling him. "No it's not dear. They told me the symptoms I'm experiencing... They're common signs of someone who is having a child.. I know you said you're not ready, but please don't be mad. I just want to keep you happy." She begins to tear up and Erik flinched at her words. His first true love having his own offspring? The news of it was a bit much to take in and he begins to comfort her, but she says "I kinda had a feeling you wouldn't say a word." Before she steps outside. "Rosie, wait." He says and then she turns back around to face him.

Rosaline went out past him after saying those words but then he calls out to her and then she turned back to him and took her hand off of the door knob just so he could explain himself to her. "What is it?" She asked him before he hugged her, and spoke up. "I would never get mad at you. I'm nervous, scared even. But I'm not mad. This is exciting to hear. Soon, we'll have a little angel on our hands." Rosaline held him back, crying tears of joy and they spun around for a bit, and then he joked around. "Might want to get to eating before our food gets cold." She laughed and nodded her head before they sat at the table and talked about the rest of the lovely day they had and what their future child will be like.

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