Chapter 13: Birthday Wishes... And Chaos.

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(A couple of months later)

Rosaline was out cold after planning out her and Erik's entire wedding. She spent hours upon hours trying to perfect a whole scripted scenarios that she tired herself out. Then soon, her little sister Ruby came in very slowly and whispers to her "Psst. Rose..." Tiredly, she opens up one eye and asked "What?" Ruby rubs her shoulder and whispers a "Happy Birthday..."

Rosaline turned on her side and sighed. This whole planning this is exhausting, so she began to sing along with "To you..." but Ruby laughs and tells her "No silly, it's your birthday." And then she spoke up with "To me.. It's my birthday..." Then she picked her up saying "Come on now, get up." Suddenly, it clicked in her head. Now Rosaline was fully awake and ready for the day. "It's my birthday?"

Ruby nodded and exclaimed "Yes, and it's going to be perfect! Well... You've never had a real birthday before. Except, of course, the ones just spent outside my locked door. So I'm here way too late to help you celebrate, And be your birthday date if I may?" And then she sneezed. "Achoo!"

Rosaline got concerned when she got into her red dress with black beading and her white gloves and expressed the belief for her concern. "Ruby, I'm thinking you might have a cold." To which she denies, telling her "I don't get colds. Besides... A cold never bothered me anyway." And then, she leads her out of the dressing room, and a red string goes all over the opera house. "Just follow the string! I've got big plans, I've got surprises for today. Nothing but nothing's gonna get in our way. I've worked for weeks, planned everything within my power. I even got Dimitri and Peter to take a shower." Some gifts they ran into were some lily blossoms and roses in a bouquet, a miniature glass sculpture of Rosaline and Erik and a flower crown.

"If someone wants to hold me back, I'd like to see them try. I'm on the birthday plan attack! I'm giving you the sun, the moon, and the sky." Ruby continued on and they went out for a day on the town. "I'm making today a perfect day for you! I'm making today a blast if it's the last thing I do. For everything you are to me and all you've been through, I'm making today a perfect day for you!" And then she begins to sneeze again and again. Rosaline tries to catch up with her, running. "They come in threes!" Ruby shakes it off and pants slightly. "I'm fine." Before sneezing once more and the two got on a nice gondola ride.

Ruby shows her the surrounding areas around the entire place. "Surprise, surprise this one especially...achoo!" And Rosaline gives a light smile at her efforts, speaking up with "Wow! You've got me reeling, but I'm still concerned for you. I think it's time that you go home and get some rest." But Ruby pulls her along and shouts "We are not stopping, cause the next one is the best ...ah...achoo!"

Rosaline started to get a little frustrated with Ruby's denial and pulled on her arm. "Ruby, you gotta go lie down." And then Ruby replies back to her. "No way, we have to paint the town!" She then facepalms herself, groaning as they pass by a medicine store. "But you need medical attention." And the clerk asked them "Are you sick? How 'bout a cold remedy Of my own invention?" Ruby walks by and told the clerk "No thanks." But Rosaline buys a bottle with some of her francs, whispering "We'll take it."

When they got back to the opera house, the ballet girls begin to sing a little song for Rosaline composed by Madame Giry. "We're making today a perfect day for you." And Ruby sings along with them. "Making today a special day!" "We're singing a birthday song to make your wishes come true!" Ruby hits a high note with "Wishes come true!" and all the girls spoke up "We love you Rosaline!" And Ruby pulls Rosaline on the stage, hugging her tightly. "And I love you too." Then the girls continued singing. "So we're making today a perfect day! A fabulous day in every way! Yes we are making today a perfect day!"

(Much later)

Rosaline is hunting down Ruby who was starting to feel a bit drowsy from the ailment, and finds her going up the stairs. "Come on. Now we climb." She then got fed up, speaking with frustration "Ruby, this is too much. You need to rest." To which she responded, "No, we need to get to our birthday chills.. I mean thrills. Making dreams, making plans.. Go, go go go! Follow the string to the end, you are my very best friend." And Rosaline had enough with it, yelling out "Ruby!!"

"What?! I'm fine.. We're gonna climb. We're gonna sing. Follow the string to the thing.. Happy happy happy, Merry Merry merry, hot cold hot birthday." Her voice almost sounded drunk at that point where she was dancing around the rooftop.

Ruby almost fell off the building before Rosaline caught her and laid her down on the ground. "Woah. Ruby, look at you. You got a fever and you're burning up." She laughs softly and tells her "Alright, we can't go on like this. Let's put this day on hold.. Come on, admit it to yourself." And Ruby.. She sighs in defeat, knowing she couldn't deny the fact much longer. "Okay.. I have a cold." And the two walk back downstairs. "I'm sorry Rosie.. I just wanted you to have one perfect birthday, but I ruined it, again.." Rosaline frowns and tells her "You didn't ruin anything, let's just get you to bed." Before opening the door to see everyone with the birthday party all set up, and with a big bombarding smile, everyone shouts out "Surprise!!" and the twins simultaneously said "Wow!" Before Rosaline gets carried away by the ballet girls.

"We're making today a perfect day for you! We're making today a smiley face all shiny and new!" Everyone sang out as the managers chased them around, telling them "There's a fine line between chaos-" and Meg cheered with "And a hullabaloo! Woohoo!!" And the chorus continued singing "So we're making today a perfect day! Making today a perfect day! R-O-S-E! Making today a perfect day for you!" And Erik comes out to Rosaline from the curtain, wishing her the best. "Happy Birthday.." With the chorus following along with "Making today a happy day and no feeling blue." And he sang "I love you baby!!" "For everything you are to us, and all that you do." The chorus rang out again And Christine gives a nod, bowing before her. "We do." "So we're making today a perfect day! Making today a perfect day! Making today a perfect day!!"

Ruby falls to the ground with a smile, then she exclaims hoarsely with "A perfect day!" And Rosaline shakes her head, telling her "Alright, to bed with you." Before Ruby crawls off, whisper yelling "No wait! All that's left to do is for the Belekov's to blow the birthday bugle horn." And she pulls her back, rapidly repeating "Nonononono-" before she sneezes loudly and everyone looks at each other and laughs at the chaotic day like no other.

(Later that night)

Rosaline gives Ruby some of the leftover soup from the party after warming it up in a pot and she began feeding some to her. "Best birthday present ever." Tilting her head, Ruby asked "Which one?" And she strokes her hair softly, telling her "You letting me take care of you." Before Ruby sneezed one more time.

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