Chapter 23: Family Friends

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It had been at least a few days since the funeral, and Rosaline took some time away to grieve, but her motive was awfully quiet. She didn't eat anything for two days, but mustered up to eat slowly when the pangs got to her. 'It was vital for the baby's health.' Erik told her. And he was right, since Rosaline felt better afterwards. She was taking care of the kids when she heard the doorbell chime and she opened up the door to see a face she hadn't seen at all.

Nadir, or The Daroga as he's called, stood outside the door where the family was living and after hearing about the good things that have been happening with Erik, he thought that he should pay at least a visit to see who this new lady in his life is. He pressed the doorbell, waiting for a moment and then Rosaline had answered and asked "How can I help you sir?" "Yeah, is Erik here? I'm a close friend of his.." Rosaline blinked and took a double take, but then recollected herself as she said "Uh yeah, I think you missed him. He just left for work. I can always leave a message for him if you want. You want to come inside for a drink?" And she moves out of the way to let him in and says to him "I'm Rosaline by the way, sir.." And Nadir walks inside telling Rosaline "I'm one they call the Daroga, but if you mind manners, call me Nadir, Ms. Rosaline."

Rosaline made the two some herbal tea she started practicing on her own after letting the kids go outside to their backyard with their nanny. Nadir looked around the place and was mesmerized by the way it looked. "So you're the one who has helped Erik reconcile himself from insanity, huh? I'm quite surprised you could even pull it together." And Rosaline gives a soft laugh, brushing the thought off her shoulders like smoldering flames on a hot day. "Oh it's nothing Monsieur. Yet I'll admit I did have my doubts, but me and my family always knew not to judge people of how they look, and how they act, but what was on the inside that counted."

Nadir pondered at the happy thought and wisely spoke "Well they certainly have taught you well." And she looked away, trying not to let emotions get the best of her. "Ah, I'm sorry. I'm really not feeling my best today. My mother passed away a few days ago in the long hours of the night." Nadir was surprised by it and he offered some condolences and comforted her. "Well I am most terribly sorry. Losing someone that close is never easy." And the two carried on stories for some time before it striked 4:00, and Nadir had to leave. Rosaline shakes his hand, giving him a smile of thankfulness. "Well it was nice to meet a friend of my husbands. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day sir." And Nadir nodded, giving a hefty "Same to you Madame Rose." And left the place, not even a few minutes later before bumping into Erik.

Erik was on his way home after an easy day before running into Nadir. Out of shock, he looked at his dear friend and asked "Is it really you?" And Nadir nodded, telling him "Yes it is. I just wanted to see what was happening with you since I have heard many amazing things." Erik talked about the whole ordeal with him and even a few things about the upcoming baby, or babies if they're lucky. "Well might I say Congratulations. I knew you would pull through one day my friend." Nadir congratulated him on his efforts and gave his friend a hug before leaving for the night. 'A surprise visit from a friend may come when you least expect it, it seems.' Erik told himself as he opened up the door to the house where Rosaline was waiting with the children.

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