Chapter 4: Life Behind the Scars

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(The next day)

Rosaline was practicing her ballet with the other ballet girls, a little more light on her feet than usual. The encounter with the phantom really put a pep in her step as the girls followed her movements. The doors open and Madame Giry watched them, and then spoke up. "You girls are doing well. Rosaline might almost put me on a run for my money from how light she is on her feet. Take five." She instructed to the girls then releases them on break for a while.

Rosaline headed back to her main dressing room to rest up, closing the door behind myself and sitting down at the chair. Lifting up her soft black hair slightly, She ran her soft and delicate fingers over the scars on the back of her neck. Nobody really knows, or at least She thinks that they don't, but when Rosaline was a little girl, she barely escaped a house fire back home trying to save her little baby sister that day from that place.


It was a calm and cool night in Moscow, Russia. Yet something would rock it's world for many days to come. A small orange glow could be seen in the distance. Flames rising and wood falling. The family makes it out for only the third oldest to realize something.

Little Rosaline realizes that her little sister, Ruby was still inside the house. She exclaims "Oh no! Ruby!!" Before trying to go back inside. Her mother Anne-Marie grabbed her by the arm gently and shouted "Rosaline, wait. It's too dangerous!" But Rosaline yanked it away and exclaimed back through the rising flames. "We Belekov's have to stick together. Thick and thin." And with swift movements, she went back inside quickly, grabbing Ruby and running back out. She bursts out the door as the house crumbled down, jumping slightly as embers touched the back of her neck.


Rosaline sighs softly and removes away the hand holding her hair up as she looks in the mirror. "I worry about the Phantom seeing this.. It's horrid.." The scars will always be a part of her. Getting back up, she hears the managers making an announcement. Rushing back to the stage, she sees all the members gathered around the two managers. "Attention Everyone, we have finally found our new patrons for this theater. They've decided to come back after the whole... Incident." Monsieur Andre began as Firmin finished with "We have the Vicomte Raoul de Chagny and his lovely wife, Ms. Christine Daae." He says as Rosaline comes in.

Rosaline tucked some hair away from her ear and looked to see the lady that the managers announced. So this was the woman of which the Phantom was fawning over about, huh? She shaked it away as she approached the two and bowed before them. "Raoul, Christine, This is Ms. Rosaline Belekov, our new Prima Donna. And a promising dancer as well." Monsieur Andre announced herself to the two. She went up to the two and spoke rather nervously, "It's a wonder to see you two. I have heard many wonderful things." Christine smiles softly at the gesture and she spoke back with "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance as well Madame. Meg has talked so much about you to me and Raoul."

(Ooh. A promising meeting so far. Will Erik Intervene? Will they find out about what happened to her in her past life? Find out in chapter 5.)

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