Chapter 14: Once the Bell Tolls

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(The wedding day has arrived. More drama will come in, so please do not play the song just yet.)

Rosaline began to pace around her dressing room in panic. Today was the wedding day and she was nervous. A newspaper came out saying that her Aunt Caroline had escaped and is now on the run. Meg and Christine were with her and they try to ease her nerves. Meg places a calming hand on her shoulder and tries to get her to calm down. "Rose, you shouldn't worry. We know how you feel about this.. If anything happens, we-" but before she could say anything else, Rosaline turns and shouts "She's crazier than all of my family! She saw the traveling circus accident with her own eyes when I was little! She sworn to keep me away from what she saw!" And she held her scarred shoulder, her mental state starting to crack as she lays on the floor. Christine immediately knew who to call and went to Erik's lair to get him.

Erik was finished getting ready for the big day ahead of him. The two planned for everything ahead, and the opera house was beautifully decorated. Then he hears Christine's voice call his name, and with a quick thought, he turns to see her concerned expression. After asking what was going on, she tells him "Rosaline is in need of some comfort. Her Aunt escaped captivity and she is worried that she might come back for the both of you." Erik took a double take at what she said last. Her aunt escaped from the police custody? He shakes it off slightly and followed her back to where Rose and Meg were, and he kneeled down next to his soon to be wife, holding her in my arms.

Rosaline takes calming breaths to ease her nerves and soon enough, She immediately stopped and wiped away the wet cheeks. "Thanks for this.. For everything." He nodded and strokes her head, relaxing her some more. "I'll always be here no matter what. If security measures are breached, the family will brace her head on." Rosaline nodded as well, getting a little more confident. "Yeah. You're right. I think I know what to do if she does. Now if you'll excuse us." She tells him and gets up. Erik laughs and leaves to give the girls some privacy. Christine pulls out the Mirror Brides dress and hands it over to her. "Trust me. You're going to be an angel in this. To be honest, when he was hopelessly devoted to me, I.. Actually thought it was pretty. The lining and the details were on point."

(A few hours later)

The time had came for the big day. Guests begin to arrive for the wonderful wedding and Raoul approached Erik, telling him. "Hey, take good care of her, you hear? We may have our differences, but I trust you now." And Erik shakes his hand, giving a smile that showed he was okay with it. "Thank you." before Raoul returns to his seat. Soon enough, the ceremony began as the orchestra began to play a wonderful rendition of 'Music Of The Night' as the doors open and everyone turns around to see Rosaline and her mother coming down. Erik wiped away a tear at her beauty. Once she got up to him, the ceremony began with the priest beginning the ceremony right away. "Friends and family, dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness this Union come together under the watchful eyes of our lord. If anyone here objects to these two if they wish do not wed, please. Speak now." And as soon as the words were finished, the doors open and Aunt Caroline yelled out. "Stop this Union!" And everyone gasped and murmurs between one another.

Anna-Marie looked at her deranged sister with a glare and told her off for what seemed like the 100th time. "Caroline, what are you doing here?! I thought I told you in that letter that you were not allowed back in the family." And she begins to go off on a tangent in front of everyone. "This creature is against God's plan and I don't care if he's changed or not. That traveling circus defined him as a freak. What makes you think you can stop me?" And Rosaline, out of pure rage, stomps her foot, shouting at the top of her lungs. "BECAUSE YOU WOULD NOT GROW A PAIR AND GET OVER IT!" To which everyone gasped at her words. People continued to listen to her tell her off, alongside her words.

"You knew of the consequences when you tried to shoot us both down that faithful day. And yet you failed to realize how it can hurt us as a whole. We have been building up our name for years and you are just a dead weight keeping us from securing our legacy. That incident caused a scandal, thus running our family name into the ground. You made a promise to mom to keep me safe and care for me, but you failed by shooting me in the shoulder. Security is already coming in.. Mom is right. You need to get out of our lives, and spend the rest of your life thinking about what you did.. Honestly, I don't know if I have the purest of heart on ever seeing you again." Rosaline stood up to defend herself and the police guards dragged Caroline off while she just broke down into tears.

Everyone sat back down and the priest continued to speak after a couple minutes of processing everything that just happened. After a brief vow exchange and 'I do's' with ring exchanges, he concluded, preaching "Then by the power vested in me, by the Opera Populaire, and the heart of France, I now pronounce you two man and wife. You may now kiss." And the two kiss as the crowd cheers in congratulations and joy.

(Flash forward: 10 years into the future.)

It was late at night and Erik was already in bed. An older Rosaline with another child on the way, had just finished telling the story about how she and Erik met to their two current children, Belle and Jameson, but the two were wide awake as an owl as they asked "One more?" To which she laughs and tells them "Alright, one more and that's all, ok?" And they nod

((Note from the author: Play the song now.))

She smiles and begins the final story of the night. "When I was little, my mother would sing a song about a special River called 'Prominence.' That was said to hold all the answers about the past. About what we're apart of." And Jameson went "Wow." Then Belle asked "Will you sing it for us Momma? Please?" And she nodded. "Okay. Cuddle up close. Scoot in." And then she begins to sing.

"🎶Where the north wind meets the sea, There's a river full of memory. Sleep, my darling, safe and sound.. For in this river all is found.🎶" and Jameson fell asleep and Rosaline tucked him in his bed and picked Belle up, continuing the song.

"🎶In her waters, deep and true. Lay the answers and a path for you. Dive down deep into her sound, But not too far or you'll be drowned.. Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear, And in her song, all magic flows. But can you brave what you most fear? Can you face what the river knows? Where the north wind meets the sea, There's a mother full of memory. Come, my darling, homeward bound.. When all is lost, then all is found.🎶" and Belle fell asleep soon after, and Rosaline tucked her in as well and blew out the candle and closed the door behind her softly.

(Thanks for reading this chapter, I hope you like it.)

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