Chapter 20: Think Before you Speak.

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(A month later)

Rosaline was back at the opera house while the Nanny they hired took care of the twins at home. She was getting ready in costume when Madame Giry pulls her aside to talk. "Rosaline, it's good to have you back. It really is. There's something I should tell you about Erik before you guys made small moves. He was so nervous to make a move because he worried he would make the same mistake twice." and Rosaline gasped, asking "Really?" And Madame Giry nodded slowly with a solemn frown. "Even I got concerned about his state of mind when he told me about your encounters."


It was back after the two had their first encounter. Erik was still mesmerized by the song she wrote for him, but something on his mind lingered like a leech stuck on your skin, sucking away. Why would a complete stranger that just met him do something so kind and elegant for him? Especially at a time when it was at it's worst? 'I see a lot of things about Christine within this woman, but I don't know if she's serious.' Erik thought to himself as he laid his head on his hand, sitting in his throne.

Rosaline looks at her hands, knowing that the thought was just... Jarring. She looked back up at Madame Giry and asked "When did he tell you this?" "The day after the masquerade ball. Everything in grave detail."

(The day after the Masquerade.)

Erik was pacing around in his usual spot in box 5, only this time he looked like he hadn't slept for a week. Madame Giry notices and asked him what was the matter. He breathes out and openly admits to her the thoughts that he had been keeping away for so long.

"It's about Madame Rosaline. Nothing's wrong with her, I truly enjoy her company here... It's just that we've been getting so close to each other and... I fear of what to do. I worry that she would leave me again, and never come back. I've never had a woman like her that was close to me personally. I just fear of her moving on and away just like with Christine.."

Madame Giry calms him down and exclaims "Rosaline is the sweetest little lady I know. She would never. What made you think about that?" "She actually knew of 'the song' when we went to the lair for the night." He spoke to her and she begins to think, then it clicked and she thought "Oooooh.. I'm pretty sure Christine taught it to her. Stuff does go around these days."

(Present day)

"So now do you understand how he was so nervous about what to do while you were interacting with him?" She asked Rosaline and she responded back to Madame Giry with a whole hearted "Yes. I never knew my actions would change someone's perspective for the better." She admitted and they shook hands before Rosaline went back to the stage for a script read through. Little did Erik know he would be confronted of this later on in the night.

(Later that night)

Rosaline and Erik come back to their home where their nanny Brenda greeted them and tells them "They have just been fed and put down for their naps, so don't worry about that." Erik smiles and shook the Nanny's hand. "Thank you Madame." Then he gives her her pay for the day. After she left, Rosaline tells him. "Erik, Madame Giry pulled me aside and said that you were nervous about me leaving you like Christine did. Is this true?" And Erik was taken aback by her words, but he sighs and nodded, speaking up.

"Yes. It was true. I just didn't know if you would be in a serious relationship then. But your kind words of wisdom kept the thoughts away. I saw a lot of elements of Christine within you when you made that song, but now those are in the past. I fully understand now that you're not her." They share a hug with one another and stayed like that for a while. Confronting one another of their past issues was like lifting a heavyweight off their backs. After putting away their stuff, they go and make themselves a nice soup

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