Chapter 15: Coming Back Home

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(A year later)

Rosaline and Erik were happily married and living in a nice little cottage off of the French countryside. Ever since they met, the bond between them had grown a lot stronger than ever before. One day, while Rosaline was cooking them something to eat, a knock comes at the door and the mail carrier hands them a letter and tells Erik "I have a letter from the Opera Populaire managers for the Destler's." And Erik takes it, waving goodbye. "Thank you so much, sir. Have a wonderful day." Before closing the door. He opens up the letter and begins to read the nice handwriting from the managers.

"To our dearest friend Erik, we hope that life is treating you two well with the whole married life. It kinda feels like my own life.. Unfortunately, we have some pretty devastating news back home. Me and Monsieur Andre are retiring as Managers of the Opera House and we need a new manager to take place. It may seem a bit sudden, but I think that you would be perfect to take our place. We begin retirement next month, so that should give you some time to think the idea over for a little bit. No pressure is needed. Say hello to the Missus for us. From, Monsieur Richard Firmin."

Rosaline finished cooking up lunch and asked "Who's it from?" He turns and sits at the table, telling her what it was. "It's from Monsieur Firmin. Him and Monsieur Andre are retiring next month and here's the thing. It says they want me as the new manager." She smiles at the news and began to digest the opportunity that was put in front of them. "Well this is wonderful news. I'm sure that we can make this work, surely. I mean, we have a whole month to think it over." He sat down at the table to eat, setting the letter away from him.

Rosaline sat down as well, thinking about the good things to come, discussing it with Erik. "Well for starters, it would be nice to see the whole family again, and our friends too. Meg, Christine, everybody. And being a manager comes with a high salary. Much so over the 20,000 francs. It does seem like a nice offer, right?" She asked him and he takes off his mask, rubbing his forehead. "Yes it does.. I think I might do it. Yeah.." He gives a bright smile and Rosaline walks over to him, giving a small kiss on the cheek. "I love you dear.. Wait, would we have to live under the opera house again?" She asked him rather curiosly and he responded back with "Only for a short time or we could ask for some living space until we can buy a house." She claps her hands in glee and exclaims "Oh jolly!" Before they smother each other in kisses

(Three weeks and six days later)

Madame Giry was finishing up a letter that the couple wrote that she was reading to the whole company

"'...In addition to the offer of Manager of the Opera House, we would really need some help with living somewhere else besides the lair. If someone in the company could volunteer, that would be nice. Until we find a nice house to buy that is. We can't wait to see you all! With best wishes, Erik and Rosaline Destler.'" She says, concluding the letter. Everyone awwed and immediately, Christine raised her hand, calling out. "I'll help with the housing needs. In the meantime, we should host a welcome back gala." Meg nodded with her idea and everyone overlapped with ideas, until Madame Giry banged her cane down once more. "Alright now, one at a time.."

(Later the next day)

Rosaline And Erik were riding back to the heart of Paris, holding their bags in their hands. Rosaline turns to Erik and asked him "Did you enjoy your time in the French Countryside?" He smiles and nodded "Yeah. The scenery was beautiful, but your beauty couldn't compare." She blushes and swished her hand. "Oh stop, you flirty you." And then she lays her head on his shoulder. After a couple more hours, they arrive back at the Opera house and pay the carriage man the fare. After walking up the stairs and into and round the place, they noticed the stage was dimmed down so they couldn't see a thing. "What's going on now?" Rosaline asked, scratching her head and Erik shrugged. Then the stage lights up and everyone yelled out "Surprise!! Welcome back!"

Rosaline jumped slightly and then gave a little gasp. 'They put this party on for us? How sweet.' "Oh you shouldn't have. This is very sweet of you." Meg comes up and hugs herwith the force of a huge bear, excitement gleaming in her eyes. "Oh we missed you two so much. We're so glad you guys took upon running the theater." Christine nodded with her words and comes up to the two. "Yeah. And we heard you need a place to stay. You know you can always stay with us." Rosaline and Erik look at each other and then back to Christine, and he tells her "That would be nice of you." And with that, the gala commenced and everyone had a wonderful time

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