Chapter 9: Truth Beyond the Grave.

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It was the day before the whole Don Juan revival would open to the public. Just a month and a couple of weeks after Rosaline sent the letter wanting to know the truth about her family's past. She was on break, talking with Meg and Christine when all of a sudden, Madame Giry approached the three, holding a letter. "Sorry to disturb you girls. Rosaline, this is from your family." She turned to Rosaline and handed the letter over to her and says "Pick up rehearsals later tonight." And left

Rosaline opened up the envelope curious as to finally have a closure to this boiling question. When she opened it up, Her eyes stared down and she couldn't believe what she was about to read. The note read as followed.

"To our dearest Rosaline,

Me and your siblings are happy to hear that the opera thing is taking you in so well. We have tooken the time out of our day to read the letters from the box and what you saw... It was all true. Our family did have ties to the Royal family of France back then. We just didn't have the heart to disclose the issue with the entire family as it would have broken your father's heart.  He kept the secret away, even from me, But boy are we glad that you found an ancient piece of history. Say hi to Erik for us. With love, Mom~❤️"

Rosaline just stood where she was in disbelief. How could they not tell anyone? Did Grandma and Grandpa want to keep it buried beneath the sand? She then walks off and opens up her parasol, walking to the graveyard to visit her father's grave. She does her best to hold back her tears and she walks through the gates then begins to sing a song.

"You were once my one companion. You were all that mattered. You were once a friend and father... Then my world was shattered. Wishing you were somehow here again, Wishing you were somehow near. Sometimes it seem if I just dreamed, Somehow you would be here! Wishing I could hear your voice again, Knowing that I never would.. Dreaming of you won't help me to do All that you dreamed I could!" Her eyes land on her father's grave of which read "Matthias Belekov- Oct. 2nd, 1801 - Nov. 8th, 1860.

"Passing bells and sculpted angels, Cold and monumental.. Seem for you the wrong companions.. You were warm and gentle." She walks up to the grave, three roses in her hands and kneels down before the grave, placing them down on their before her tears begin to spill endlessly, then she continued to sing "Too many years, Fighting back tears! Why can't the past just die?! Wishing you were somehow here again, Knowing we must say goodbye. Try to forgive, teach me to live! Give me the strength to try! No more memories, no more silent tears! No more gazing across the wasted years! Help me say goodbye... Help me say goodbye!" Rosaline cried out and she hears Erik's voice calling out to her.

Erik walked into the graveyard looking for Rosaline after Meg told him that she went into it, holding the letter that she was given earlier. What really hit him the most was what he heard her singing. The same song Christine sang two years ago. Shaking it away, He approach Rosaline and took her hand in his "Hey, I heard about what happened." She continued to let out her tears. "I don't know why they couldn't tell me! I always thought Belekov's never keep secrets from each other." And then Rosaline held onto him for comfort. "Let those tears dry. It's alright." Erik spoke to her and picked her up. "Hey come on. We should head back. They'll wonder where we are. I'll be right here for you." Then those faithful words spoke from her lips. "Erik, I love you.." And they both headed back now with a bit of confidence up their sleeves.

(What do you think will happen during the opening of Don Juan for chapter 10? Theorize my fellow citizens.)

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