Chapter 21: A Long Way From Home

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The day now was April 10th, 1883. Rosaline decided to show Belle and Jameson, the both of them now 4, around the opera house for the first time. She brings them to the glorious place and tells them "This is where your mom and dad work. It's very steady work, and the most fun." And Belle's eyes shimmered in excitement. She giggles in glee, saying "Wow. So pretty." While Jameson nodded with his sister. The three walk inside where they meet up with Christine.

Christine goes up to the three and greets them with "Good morning Rosaline. Hey, are these little ones Belle and Jameson? Hey, look how big you two are getting." She smiles at the two and they hide in shyness while Rosaline laughs slightly. "Oh that happens all the time, don't think nothing of it. It'll grow out." And then Christine asks her "So how are things with the family?" "Everything is going good, though I don't think mom is getting better." Rosaline whispers the last part to her and Christine gasped, almost worried.

"The illness is getting worse?" Rosaline nodded and sighs out of frustration "Please, let's try not to discuss this in front of the kids." And she looks back at them, Belle and Jameson's eyes blinking in confusion. "Let's go see where I get ready for operas, huh?" The two nodded and she leads them there while Christine went back to work.

When the three arrived at the dressing room, Belle and Jameson sit down on the Loveseat, looking around at the place. "This is where I get all creative." She opens up her closet with her current costumes for the season and her normal clothes, all hung up. Then she picks out the wedding dress, taking it out and showing it to them. Belle gets under the puffy skirt and Rosaline laughs at her antics. "Belle, you're so silly. You're way too small for this to fit. Though I can see you in it once you're older." Jameson looks at the fabrics and begins to think, starting to visualize what a masterpiece it is. Rosaline then got a better idea, and put the dress away and spoke to the kids. "Let's go see dad and surprise him." And with the strength, she picks the two up on her shoulders and says "Woah you two are getting heavy."

(In Erik's office.)

Erik was finishing up some difficult paperwork when he hears a knock at the door. "Come in!" He called out to the door and Rosaline opened it up, saying "Hello dear." And kissing his cheek. The kids come in after her and he chuckles, hugging them both. "Hey kids. You haven't been giving mom trouble, have you?" The two shake their heads no and he smiles, patting their heads. "Good, good. I am almost done here, so we can go and watch the rehearsals. How about you two wait up in a box seat?" Belle nodded and she goes and brings Jameson along with her.

Rosaline sits down in one of the seats and sighs softly. "You know Erik? I think they'll become perfect fits for the opera house one day. Have you.. Ever had thoughts of another child?" Erik looks at her in disbelief for a moment, but then places his hand in hers and tells her "Well, yes. A few times more than any. What makes you say this?" And Rosaline smirks slightly, giving out the question "What do you think?"

He picks her up and spins them around lightly, laughing in Joy. Soon, Meg comes into the office with a letter in her hands with a concerned look on her face. Since the time passed, she became the new Ballet instructor. Rosaline turned to her and asked "Meg, what's wrong?" And she hands the letter over, her body shivering all over. "This just came in from your brother. He said it was very urgent." And then Rosaline opens up the envelope rather quickly and reads the letter.

"Dear Rosaline,

We need you over at the house immediately. We just got some terrible news from Mom's nurse. The fever is getting worse. It looks like she won't make it through the night. Might want to come over and say your goodbyes.


Dimitri Belekov."

The final sentence truly ran her down like a carriage going way too fast through the streets. He hands bury into her face and she bawled her heart out. Meg and Erik comfort her ever so gently as the emotions flowed through her. Rosaline got her handkerchief and wiped away the wet stains on her cheeks and parts dropping from her chin.

"How are we even going to break it to the kids?" She asked and Erik sighs, patting her back. "We'll have to be straightforward somehow. We should get going then." "I'll be more than happy to watch Belle and Jameson for you guys until you get back." Meg exclaimed with only a light smile as she knows it was a hard time. The two nodded and walked to where the kids were and Belle asked "Mommy, what's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong, Darling. Aunt Meg will be watching you and Jameson while me and Dad go out. It's of..." She paused before getting the words right off her chest.

"Very urgent need.."

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