Chapter 7: Royal Rosaline

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It was late in the day after the whole masquerade ball. Rosaline was at home for the day, tending to her vegetable garden when she notices a little hill of dirt in between the tomatoes and potatoes that wasn't there before. Curious, she digs it up and finds a box full of letters from her great grandfather to... The queen of France? Marie Antoinette?! She was rather curious about the whole ordeal and began to write a letter back home.

"Dear family,

Everything here in Paris is going well. I found a steady and honest job here at the Opera House. I think I found someone who I truly understand. Yet there is something I have to address, and it is very urgent that I get it out of the way before I regret not saying it later in time. I was going through my garden and I noticed something that wasn't even there before I moved in. A little lump of dirt with something coming up from it. I dug it up and saw a bunch of letters from Great Grandpa Antony to the Queen of France all the way back from his time in court to her execution. I thought I would share this with you and would like to know... Is this true?

With love, Your daughter always,

Rosaline Belekov."

She puts the letter in the envelope and seals it shut, looking over at the box as she attached the envelope onto it and sent it back to home. "I have to learn every piece of the truth, and learn it fast.." She mumbled and then heads back to the opera house, her eyes scuffed and her hands intertwined with one another.

Madame Giry was talking with the managers about the Don Juan Revival after having a word with Erik about his concerns for Rosaline liking him when she heard Rosaline's voice in the hallways. Back already? But rehearsals are not ready yet as far as she knew. Looking out the door, She sees her almost frustrated and confused. "Madame Rose, why are you back so early? It isn't rehearsal time yet until tomorrow." She looked down at her feet and exclaimed while looking back up "Yes I know that. I just made an awfully requisite discovery." She tells her and begins spilling all the details, and Madame Giry gasped at her words. She was standing in the presence of faded royalty? "O-oh.. Well that is some amazing news, Rosaline. I hope you learn the truth soon." She tell her before heading back into the managers office.

Erik couldn't believe what he had just happened to hear Rosaline as former Royalty? After mumbling to himself "The facts couldn't be far from the truth.." His creative genius got to him as he got to work on writing a personal opera for her entitled "Royal Rose and the Crystal Crown." Grabbing paper, ink and a feather pen, his hands began to get to work on the dialogue.

The light grace of the feather pen began making words beyond imagination..

(I'm sorry that this one is most definitely shorter than the rest, but I swear that the next chapter I have for you guys.

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