2. A piece of work

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(Kellan's POV)

"She loved this place" my brother says with his eyes stuck in one of the pictures. A fat child with wings.

"She was educated, unlike you" I say, not really in the mood for emotional games. He wants something.

"She was. And kind, and just, and caring. She was so strong" he says, none of his alpha power in his voice, only love. Weakness.

"I'm sorry she's gone, Eric" I state. It is sad. Not even the child made it. Somehow he's smiling right now. I don't understand. Just like he wants it.

"You're a real piece of work, Kell. Why are you so hellbent on living alone?" He asks. I don't reply. He knows. "I have never been as happy as I was with her" he says and I sigh. Some old couple looks at us before continuing to the next room. I bet we look out of place; two big guys in biker jackets amongst the cherubs and virgins. I snap.

"Doesn't that just prove my point? She died. Now you're alone. You can never have her back. Your biggest fear came true" I growl before I can stop myself. He turns to me and smiles like I'm not the biggest asshole in his life.

"Even though she's gone now I still have her in my heart. It sounds cheesy but that love can never be erased. It makes me feel greater, Kellan. It makes me thankful that I met her. Love is the best feeling in the world. Don't be afraid of it" he says and I almost scoff.

That's ridiculous. A mate is weakness. Someone enemies can use to hurt you. Someone who will make you lose your mind. Why would I want such a weakness? For sex? The anger gets to me. He's right; I don't understand.

"I'm your best fighter. We have tons of enemies, entire packs that want to hurt us. Why would I want something precious if it could be taken from me?" I ask and he turns to me, tears and love in his eyes. I freeze. "Eric-" I start but he cuts me off.

"Because it's precious" he says like I'm supposed to understand. Weakness. He gives me a pitying look and it appears he's done. Finally.

But suddenly I smell something. It's not really sweet or salty but it's an enchanting smell. I sniff but irritatingly it stays unrecognizable. Eric doesn't pick up on my behavior.

"I have to go see grandma, but I will call you later, Kell. Think about what I said" he says and this time there is alpha power vibrating in his voice. I don't watch him go but I hear his boots against the floor. The smell is still here and I wonder what it is. I swear I have never smelled anything so good.

I look around but it's just me and the flying kids. Irritatedly I look around. The smell is almost overwhelming. I can't think straight. It's aggravating. 

Like I would listen just because he said so. 

It annoys me that Eric used his alpha tone with me. Usually he's way too kind and puts up with all of my bullshit. Why the sudden change of heart?

Just as my eyes land on another little angel I hear the soft tap of shoes coming closer.

Somehow I just know.

There's something special about those shoes.

I turn around just as he walks around the corner.


We both freeze and I instinctively know. It's him. I can tell by his smell, by his eyes and the sound of his shocked breath and the rapid thump of his heart.

This... is my mate. For a few seconds I'm lost in his blue eyes. I can't tell what he's thinking; I don't think he is. Neither am I. I just stare at his wonderful face, too shocked for words. His pale lips, raven hair, red cheeks and strong eyes has me mesmerized.

He tries to blink but he can't stop staring at me. I smile but immediately his lip starts to quiver and fear splash across his face. As though realizing something he turns as fast as he can. Slipping on the floor he bolts, back the way he came. 

I don't think. My hunting instinct is triggered by his flight. I have to get him. I have never wanted anything this bad. In the back of my head I realize that's insane, but the need overpowers all reason.

I hear him and I smell him. There's no way he's getting away from me now. All I can think of is how I want to lay my hands on him and hold him in my arms, smell his neck and kiss those quivering lips.

He's fast. As I race down the stairs he's already at the doors. But they are heavy and slow him down. I can feel my heartbeat quicken as I close up on him. But then I see the panic on his face. It has me shocked. Why is he scared? But at the moment I don't care, I just want him. The wolfy side of me is raging with need.

Just before I can grab his arm he's out of the door and sprints across the open area. His little breaths are labored and he smells like heaven. It arouses me like nothing ever has. His thin legs fight to flee but I'm stronger and faster. He doesn't stand a chance.

As I wrap my hand around his arm he turns and tries to punch me in the face. A good punch, but I block it effortlessly. The fear in his eyes grow bigger and I hear his breathing hitch as he starts to hyperventilate. That's when I realize something is off.

He's trembling and I can hear the way his heart is beating; it's not because of love. Scared that something is wrong with him I ease my grip but he's breathing so fast that he passes out. I watch his eyes roll and catch him as he goes limp. 

What the hell?!

I don't know what to do. I don't know what's wrong. After all this talking about mates, no one ever mentioned that they could be afraid of you. Had he seen me fighting? Was it something I did in the past? I have no memory of him; why is he so scared?!

As unsuspiciously as I can I make my way towards the the pack house with his small body in my arms. Just having him near me makes my heart skip irregularly. I hold him tightly. He smells so good I can't think of anything else. But he's passed out. Something is wrong with him and that's enough to keep me sharp.

His heart slows down as I scouer the street looking for taxies. Burlington is more of a bus city, but I figure that's not an option. The worry grows in my chest so I pick up the pace, figuring I will just have to walk there. The only thing keeping me calm is his steady heartbeat.

Suddenly he takes a deep breath and starts to come to. I slow down and look for a somewhere to put him down. As I lay him on the bench I'm not sure what to do. All I want is to hold him tight so he won't run again; so he will understand that he's mine. But I don't want to scare him. 

As I look at him he's so incredibly beautiful that the I can barely hold myself back. Mine.

He stirs and tries to sit up. What was it that sacred him? I have no clue but I release my grip and hunch down by his side. The park is empty but the street is close. I should smell wet grass but this close all I can smell is him.

Slowly with a hand on his head he sits up and blinks the dizziness away. As soon as he realizes I've captured him he shivers again and makes his body small, hunching his head and looking at the ground.

"I w-won't run, just please don't..." he starts but trails of, looking up at me with stunning blue eyes tainted by fear.  

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