14. "But I kind of like it"

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(Benjamin's POV) 

 My savior. 

Kell is looking at the floor while I shower. It's horribly intimate to wash off while he's in the room. I blush but rinsing off the blood takes the edge off my sexy mood. When I get up he wraps a big towel around me. He's naked too because we ran back to the apartment as wolves. It makes me blush like a little boy. 

Someone came to save me. I can't believe it. He risked his life to save me

Four deep gashes on his shoulder have cried down his arm making it slick with blood. He took three of them on, for me. 

While I dry off, he showers quickly. I can't help but look. He's so hot it's like watching a porno as he rubs his skin under the water stream. My beast. It feels unreal. Someone saved me. 

When he's plastered a big bandage onto his shoulder Kell helps me to put on one of his pajamas and then I just stand there looking at him while he dresses. I can tell he's careful not to look at me too much. I must look like shit. 

He helps me into the bed with careful arms and caring eyes. The moon shines on his face with a cold light. So gorgeous. 


My bruised face hurts even against the soft pillows. He stands up again as he lets me go but I can't help but grab him. 


I don't know what I want but I don't want him to leave. What if he's not here when I wake up again?  

"Are you sure?" he asks and I just tug on his arm like a clingy child. With slow movements he eases into the bed beside me. I'm not sure I want this but I stay still. Our bodies aren't touching but he's right there beside me. 

I can feel his heartbeat and the heat of his skin. I can smell his scent and it's so heartwarming it makes me feel good again. 

I know that this is because of our bond but I don't care. I have never felt this good in my life. I never thought that I would feel this safe with someone, ever. Just lying here like this is a piece of heaven I never thought I would get. 

All I want to do is plaster myself against him but my fear keeps me from even trying. To ease the need, just a little bit, I find his big hand under the covers and let my fingers grab a hold of it. He softly strokes his thumb against my knuckles and I close my eyes. Heaven. 

When I wake up it's morning. I haven't slept long enough; my body is drowsy with tiredness but it's also a thousand degrees hot. Oh no. 

My skin tingles with that ominous feeling. Especially my hand which is connected to Kell's. A wave of fire washes over me and I tense. It feels like I'm dying. I need to mate with him so bad.

Even my asshole is tingling with need that is climbing up my spine. This is the worst. 

I sit up and try to breathe through it, but it's not helping. As I get dizzy my body starts to sweat and I feel the shirt dampening. My hand squeezes his. I shake his arm but he's apperently not a light sleeper. 

With both hands I rock his body and call his name. It's a really needy voice but it gets him to wake up. 

"Wh-what is it?" he asks, the sleep still in his eyes until he sees me wrestle my shirt off. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes again but I know he won't go back to sleep. As if he could resist the sight of me in heat.  

The thought makes me realize that he actually might not. 

"Kell, I'm... scared. I want to, but I can't. Not yet" I say and hope that he has the magic solution. 

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