29. Resorting to romance

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(Kellan's POV)

"Do you want to marry me?" I finally say, after kneeling and taking his hand. Ben's face loses all it's expression before he starts crying. It's a sniveling, jagged breathing, big teared crying that he hides behind his other hand. 


"Wait! No, no, why are you crying? Ben, what's wrong?" I plead and rub his hand softly. 

"I-I thought y-you would d-dump me" he hick-ups while trying not to cry. 

"I want to be with you forever. You're mine, I'll never let you go. I love you" I promise and stare up at his teary face.  

"I-I love you too... Now get up" he snivels and pulls at my arm. I stand up and wrap him in a tight embrace. He smells like everyting I ever wanted. 

"I will never leave you. No matter what. I want to say that I could let you go if you wanted to leave me but I can't. So you're stuck with me. And to prove that..." I grab the little box from my pocket. 

Ben drops his hands from his face to look at it. There is a rainbow of emotions on his face and his beautiful blue eyes glitter with bliss when he looks up at me. We are so close and I feel his little heart thump against my midriff. 

As our lips meet I taste his tears but through it I can feel how clings to me. His arms snake around my neck and he kisses me lovingly. As he pulls away his breath splays over my chin and it sends shivers down my spine. 

With gentle motions I detatch his left arm and carefully take his hand. As I slide the ring onto his finger he bites his lip in another teary smile. 

"Gosh, this is too much, Kellan. I-I don't..." he says between shaky breaths. 

"I will love you forever. With no demands. Only that you stay by me" I pledge to him and he laughs as he slides the other ring over my finger. 

"You're resorting to romance, huh? Should I expect flowers on every aniversary?" he teases while blushing like a ten year old and grinning with happiness. 

"Please stay with me" I beg him and lean down to rest my forhead agains his. He closes his eyes and smiles a warm, tear struck smile. 

"I will" he whispers and the little sigh that esapes me makes him laugh again. It's the best sound I've ever heard. 

"Can I kiss you again?" I murmur. 

"... at home" Ben answers with an enchanting blush while he studies the ring. 

As I close the door behind us Ben hugs me from behind. He rests his head against my back. 

"Thank you" he says quietly. I don't ask him for what because I don't want to hear what his traumatized mind thinks he should be grateful for. Instead I turn around and wrap my arms around him.

"I love you"  I whisper to him. He wiggles in my grip and I let him go only to grab his hands and place them around my neck. 

"Can I kiss you?" I make sure before I lean down. 

"Yes" he breathes. 

I push my lips against his in a slow but strong kiss. With my tongue and lips I try to show him how much I love him. I suck at his bottom lip and rub our tongues together in a sensual way. 

Ben pushes himself against me as I lean on the door. His hips softy grind against my leg and I feel like taring off his clothes. With gentle hands I grab his soft little butt instead, and sqeeze it before picking him up. He wraps his legs around me and cling to my neck.

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