10. Heat and hatred

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(Benjamin's POV) 

As I close my backpack and lean down to tie my shoes someone pounds at the door. Thun-thun-THUN! 

They have found me. I'm dead. 

I get up as quietly as I can. The only window is right beside the door. No chance of escape. The door shakes under the heavy fists. What do I do? 


It's not them. I almost drop to the floor in relief. 

I don't even care that I ran from him too. Just knowing he's here makes me feel better. It's Kellan. He won't let anyone touch me. 

The thought strikes me. He won't let Ross hurt me. When I'm with him I'm safe. And he's part of the Blue Kings pack. They would never let the Hellhounds touch one of their mates. 

As I stagger to the door I almost want him to come, to hold me close. When I open and lay my eyes on his frantic face I feel... safe. 

He's here. He will protect me. It's almost a physical feeling. I know that he's dangerous too, but somehow I trust my mate like I've never trusted anyone. 

Kellan growls when he sees that I'm fine, and pushes his way inside. As I close the door I look for signs of Ross and the others but the parking lot is empty, save for two stoners. My mate gives me an angry look as I turn to him. 

My mate, it still feels weird but the thought makes me... happy. 

Why am I happy? This is bad. He triggered my heat. The rest of my life will be hell from now on. 

"How could you leave like that? Why did you run, you asshole?" he asks, the angry eyes filled with hurt. I cower at the accusation. I did run and now I almost want to ask him to save me. 

Right. He doesn't know that I'm on the run. He doesn't know that I will always be in danger. 

A part of me understands that he can't keep me safe. He couldn't possibly save me all on his own. Ross would kill him. The horrible thought makes my heart panic and I can't even think of the fact that I could be the cause of Kellan's death. 

"Because I hate you." It's a painful lie but I realize I have to make him go. I have to hurt him so bad he won't want me anymore. "You think it's all decided now that you've marked me but I never wanted this. I don't want you. I hate you!" I yell and see how the fury rises within him. 

He might hurt me but I don't care. I have to save him. Somehow his voice is still calm as he answers. It makes me feel sick with myself. I'm horrible; a real piece of shit. 

"You're just scared. I thought you started to trust me; what happened?" he pleads but I can't let him talk me into this. 

"I will never trust you! Just looking at you makes me sick!" I yell at him, earning new complaints from the neighbor. Kell looks like he wants to murder them but he's still calm. 

"Ben, what is making you this scared? It's not me. I can tell you're lying. What's really wrong?" he asks with a tone so kind it makes my knees weak. He won't believe me like this. I have to make him angry. 

"There is someone else" I say and he actually flinches.  

"You said all men scare you" he retorts but I can tell he's scared. I have to make him furious.  

"Not him. He's different~" I say and make my voice as dreamy as I can. Kell looks royally pissed. 

"What's his name?" he growls. 

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