5. His beauty

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(Benjamin's POV)

His teeth are lodged in my neck. It's a piercing pain that has me paralyzed. His scent is surrounding me, taking the edge of the hurt like a powerful drug. I can tell from sitting on top of him that his body is tense. Under me I feel him grow hard. 

Just as fear chills my body, he releases my neck and I tremble in pleasure. As soon as his teeth leave me the mark is made. I am his.

From my neck a sensation of total satisfaction makes its way throughout my body. It is unbearable and I want to stay like this forever. I'm dizzy and weak, and the only thing holding me up is my hands on his beefy shoulders.

"Benjamin..." he breathes, my name ragged and hot from his mouth. I can't answer. All I can do is breathe through the pleasure. I feel the dun-dun-dun-dun-dun of his heart through the small space between us. I know he wants to close the gap; I want to but I can't. Even though I've never felt this good I'm still scared of the pain; and the last thing I need is him losing control.

"Ben..." he goes again and the sound of my name by his voice fills me with incredible warmth. It's a feeling I've never had before and I'm almost knocked to the ground by it's strange hold over my body. Am I happy?

All I know is that he marked me. I am his now. And he is mine. The thought gives me such a thrill I feel excitement build up in my crotch. Oh, no. 

His cuffed hands are dangerously close to my sensitive parts and we are both breathing hard, trying to contain ourselves. I lean back and he's looking at me with so much desire I have to avert my eyes. As I lower my stare I see how tightly he's clasping his hands, fighting the urge to touch me.

I have to smile. No one has ever stopped themselves like this for me. I have never been spared the pain of others' wants. But he's completely still, waiting for me to make the next move. And I do. Slowly and quivering I put my feet on the floor and lift myself off of him.

"I have never felt so good in my life. What is this?" he asks and laughs, his eyes so drowned in pleasure I can't tell if he's looking at me or not. But of course he is. I'm his mate who he just marked. I am all he can think of right now. 

I know this because I feel the same. Never did I think the bond of mates was such an overwhelming one. All I can do is stare at him.

"You're such a beauty" he says but he's the gorgeous one. From his chestnut hair to his strong chin and muscular body. With big arms and a curious smile on his lips. All of him enchants me and there is a need inside of me. I need to know all of his smiles. I realize it's a possessive thought but I kind of like it.

As I look at him I'm not bothered by what's going on in my pants. I don't want to feel it but I'm not in panic over my body's reaction, and it can only be because of him. This is bad. He's going to take me. I have to get out of here, I realize with a sharp fear but the need in my body is still pressing.

"Are you... in control?" I wonder, careful not to look him in the eyes. I can only imagine how sex crazed I must look right now, and I don't want to tempt him.

"I can hold myself back. Marking you made me calm down quite a bit" he says and I see no trace of yellow in his eyes but I watch him carefully. "Making you mine made me ecstatic" he adds with a deep tone and I shudder at the way he says mine.

My mate is getting back to reality now. The brown eyes lose their lust but I can't ignore that he's still a little hard down there.

"Could you open them?" he asks and I flip my eyes back to his. The shiny, brown orbs glisten calmly.

"Are you sure?" I ask though I'm the one who's not sure. I can't tell him I don't trust him, not after this.

"I am... but if you want to wait, I can wait" he says and gets up. Why can't I just trust him? I want to. I really do. I am such a bothersome piece of shit for making him stay looked up. 

"I'm sorry. I know I'm being troublesome" I apologize as he walks past me. I look at him as he starts the coffee brewer with his hands locked in front of him, but he turns to me with a magical look in his eyes.

"I'm yours. I'll do anything you want" he says with what's supposed to be a calming tone but I almost pass out from the huskiness of his voice. It's like magic. 

I awkwardly slide onto a chair, not sure how to act. I have to get away. He puts two mugs on the table and we stare at the rising steam. What have we done?

The lust had gotten the better of us both. The mate bond has now forever tied us together. The normal life I wanted is out of reach again. The sorrow hits me like a punch to the stomach. I'm his mate now.

Oh no. 

As I realize what this means I panic. My chest is hammered by my raging heart and I start to breath like I can't get air. The dizziness makes me grab the table hard. 

"Benjamin?" His dark voice is what calls me back to reality.

"Heat" I explain quietly. He doesn't understand at first. "We've triggered the heat" I say again, urgency and fear tainting my words. I see his eyes widen with the realization.

"Oh shit."  

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