Episode 3

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I wake up the next day and see that all of the men are going to go fishing. I decide to join them because this has proven to be a good time to bond. We get back from fishing and talk about our lives back home. Everyone talks about how structured their lives are and I feel bad because mine has not been that structured since I started Big Brother Canada. I gave up an opportunity to finish my degree in order to try and make my family's life better.

I did finish my degree through an online program with the University of North Carolina, but it was not the same. I currently have a degree in Graphic Design and Business with a minor in Psychology. I wouldn't change what I have done,  but sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision. I get my head back into the game and focus on how to survive another day.

I finally found my crack in the form of Ross. When we were all eating bananas that Nova found, Ross brought up the idea of having two for breakfast. Nova immediately shut him down, saying that it is Nova's kitchen and she made the rule of one banana a day. Nova, we are on a tropical island that literally has bananas on every tree. Calm down and don't yell at Ross. Ross seemed to be really bothered by the incident and I know we can use that to our advantage.

Luke sees what I see and decides to egg Ross on a bit. I let Luke do this because it will make Luke look like the bad guy and I will be able to cover my ass if something goes wrong. Luke and I plant little seeds to Ross the entire day and I think they will work. As I am about to fall asleep for the night, I hear Ross and Luke talking on the beach. Luke tests Ross' loyalty by daring him to get a banana. Ross gets the banana and scurries over to Luke. He is like a little kid that likes to press the button even when told not to.

Ross seems like he enjoyed doing it and Luke is having a laugh with him. I am glad to see Ross having fun and being himself. Luke not judging Ross based on age is nice to witness too. I go to bed having a good feeling about the future of my game. I wake up and get ready for the challenge today. I wonder who the Contenders sent home.

I see the Contenders walk up and notice the little girl went home. In all honesty, I thought Baden would have went home. We are told that for this reward challenge, we have to run through the water and hit the bell on the opposite before our opponent. This sounds easier than it will be. First up is Luke vs Matt. I swear these two are like Mat and Robbie from last season. I want them just to kiss at this point to get rid of the tension.

The round starts and they run at each other hard. This reminds me of the Hall Brawl I did against Kyle, except without the football pads and add in the water. Luke loses his shirt to escape Matt and gets the first point for our team. The next round is Daisy vs Susie and I think Daisy will win this. Daisy manhandles Susie to get the first point for the Contenders. David and Shaun go against each other next next and it is battle of the babes.

The round lasts all of ten seconds as Shaun comes running like a freight train and knocks David on his ass. David looks like he bruised more than just his body. I gotta say, seeing Shaun with his tight speedo running around and dominating David was kinda... nevermind. I gotta focus on the challenge in front of me. My tribe is down 2-1. Our winning streak is at stake.

The next round is between Simon and Harry. Simon surprises me by easily beating Harry. We are tied going into the fifth round. I was going to face John when Steven volunteered. I let him take on the challenge knowing damn well that John was going to win. As I predicted, John easily beat Steven, proving how weak Steven is in physical challenges. The next round is between Abbey and Casey. Abbey jukes out Casey and ties up the score.

Ross volunteers to go and out of the blue, Baden decides to go. I actually think Baden will beat Ross. Ross is not a fast runner and Baden can squeeze his way past Ross. Jonathan starts the round and Baden flies past Ross to win. The eighth round starts and it is Shaun vs Luke. I am mad because no one let me participate. I also noticed that Nova did not participate again. Shaun barely beats Luke and wins the challenge.

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