Episode 13

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We just got back from Tribal Council and I could not be happier to see the piece of shit that is Contender camp. Everyone is congratulating me on surviving the vote. I take the compliments, but remember that in order to win this game, I need to keep my eye on the prize and not get caught in my emotions. I will do whatever it takes to win this game, even if that means backstabbing people I have grown to love. I will honestly say that this is harder than any show I have done before. Big Brother Canada seems easy compared to this.

I start to think about how my family and Challenge friends are going to think about me being on here. I had talked with Josh and Day about wanting to do Survivor so bad for so long. This game has been a staple in my life for as long as I can remember. I want to find out if Andy really did try to throw the challenge. I am not an expert, but it looked like the puzzle king wasn't all that he made himself out to be. I liked how Baden stood his ground and kept playing the way he always has.

Baden is someone that people will underestimate until he gets them out. I want him to feel like he can trust me. I just hope Luke or David do not get to him first. At camp, Harry pulls Janine and I aside to talk to us about the game. I wonder what he is going to say.

Janine: People like you in this game are unkillable. You're immune to death.

Simon: I think I'm goin. Sike, I'm not goin anywhere. 

Janine can joke about it all she wants, but let's look at the facts. Two Tribals in a row, Janine's goal was to get Harry out. Harry, thanks to my influence of course, uses idols and saves himself, thus ruining her plans. Did Janine know about the idols. No she did not. Guess who knew about the idols? The naive foreigner that everyone likes but no one is targeting. I feel like Harry and Janine are pointing the target at the wrong people, but I will never tell them that.

Harry and Ross follow each other again in the hopes of finding the idol. I decide to try my luck at it because at this point, it won't look suspicious to look for it. I remember the two spots Harry found the idols and the spot he found the clue. I deduced that the next idol on this beach will be by tree mail. Harry unknowingly helps me because he sends everyone on an idol search and all of the tribe split up. I am by tree mail alone and notice a rock that was not by the foot of tree mail before.

I decide to lift up the rock to see if I was right. I look under the rock and find a scroll. The scroll tells me that the idol is at the end of the jumping pegs behind a piece of wood. Great! I have to be sneaky about it. We get to the challenge and this does not look like fun. We are told to jump across pegs to a platform. At that platform, we have to use a rope and swing ourselves across to the next platform. After that, one tribe member has to toss a pair monkey's fist into a pair of fork to make a set safety lines for a pair of hanging balance beams. Two members will then unscrew a crate of ladder rungs. Both tribes will then use the ladder rungs to complete a ladder to the top of a tower. The first tribe to get all of their castaways to the top of the tower and light their fire wins.

The challenge starts and right away, Shaun gets across for the Champions. Simon gets across as well. Abbey takes her time and makes it while John jumps through easily like he is jumping on Goombas. I make my first attempt and fall. When I fall, I see the board I am supposed to move to get the idol. I made sure to wear cargo shorts today so I could easily store it in the pockets. Baden and Luke make it, giving the contenders a 4-2 lead. David goes through easily, leaving only Daisy to complete the first obstacle. 

Daisy tries again and falls off, giving Janine a chance to catch up. She makes it across to the platform. Daisy gets it on her third try and the Champions move on. Ross attempts the obstacle and fails. Harry goes and gets it. At this point, the Champions are two obstacles ahead of us. Ross gives it another go and flies through it. I try it for my third time and finally get it. I give Ninja Natalie more credit now for what she does on American Ninja Warrior. 

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