Episode 8

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Abbey, Janine, and I wake up and start discussing life at the new Contender camp. I really took for granted just how great our camp was because holy shit this camp is awful compared to the Champion camp. Ross is being optimistic about the camp's design and layout and although he has the right attitude, this is not the time to be telling me to suck it up and enjoy the fact that I am still in the game. The only thing about this that could make me feel any better is the sight of Luke and David at the reward challenge.

The five former Champs have a pow-wow while the four former Contenders are in the water relaxing. Janine cannot get Casey's name right no matter how hard she tries to. It is actually quite comical that someone who is in charge of one of the biggest health and wellness companies in the world cannot remember something as trivial as a name. On the exterior, we look like a tribe that is split between 5 Champions and 4 Contenders. If anyone was to look closer, they would see that I am the middle in this entire tribe. Both sides have placed their trust in me for some reason.

One person I have bonded with on the Contenders former tribe is Harry. Harry really is a great guy, but like me, he is here to win for something bigger than the game. He is doing this for his family. Harry tells me that he is willing to work with me, but I had to understand that we couldn't go to final 2 together. I understood that and told him that I am fine with that because as long as I can survive through the merge, I am golden. I have the numbers with the former Champs, but I do not want my name as a backup plan at all.

We all head to the reward challenge and all I am hoping for is to see Luke and David. Jonathan tells us to look at the Champions tribe and I start looking for Luke and David. I see David right away, which makes me feel good. I look at who is holding the flag and I cannot believe my eyes. Luke is holding the flag, meaning he somehow survived. I notice Sam is gone and I am stoked. I look at Luke and he just winks at me.

Seeing them there clearly shook the former Contenders up because Harry, Shaun, and Matt look like someone just insulted their mom in front of them. I want to know what the hell happened that could have caused Sam to go home over Luke and David. Jonathan tells us that today is a swimming challenge and the reward is for donuts and coffee. I am not actually a fan of this challenge. I decide to sit out since I don't want the reward.

The first matchup is Matt vs Luke. These two will never let this damn thing go! I am so sick of seeing them go at each other just because they bruised the other's ego. I look at how fast the water is moving and am so grateful to be sitting on the bench. As I am sitting on the bench, I feel something underneath and see something wrapped in cloth. I put it in my cargo shorts and watch Matt and Luke go head to head.

Matt is swimming as if he is not even fighting a current while Luke is swimming as if he is drowning. Luke is either throwing the challenge or Matt just kicked his ass royally. Matt is a better competitor than I thought he was. We take the lead 1-0 with the next matchup being between Baden and Ross. Matt makes a joke about how it looks like a matchup between a father and his son. I can tell this hurt both Baden and Ross and it doesn't help that everyone, even Jonathan, laughed at it.

Baden puts up a fight, but Ross is a freaking force and beats Baden. We need one more point to win. We put Janine against Andy and Andy beats her after Janine messes up and loses at the end. We still lead 2-1 but it is a battle of the female beasts. Daisy and Abbey face off and they prove why they are feared. Abbey uses too much energy and looks like she is about to lose when Daisy runs into Abbey. Abbey swallows a lot of water and loses.

Now, it is down to Hannah and Casey. I honestly thought this was going to be more of a battle than it actually was. Casey wipes the floor with Hannah and we win the reward. Again, when Jonathan says that we won, I ask to switch with Sarah. I thought about switching with Daisy, but then that would mean that I couldn't get to talk with her to find out what happened last Tribal. Andy doesn't deserve the reward so I didn't choose him.

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