Episode 7

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We wake up extra early today because we are told that the reward challenge is starting early today. I have a good feeling that this is the tribal swap. We arrive to the challenge and everyone on the Contenders tribe is shocked that ET is gone. Jonathan confirms my suspicions when he says the three magic words.

Jonathan: Drop your buffs!

There are an array of reactions. Jonathan has us reach into the basket and grab a wrapped up buff. I open my buff and see a pink buff. I look at my now former tribemates and see that Janine, Abbey, Simon, and Ross are also on pink and we will be joining Matt, Shaun, Harry, and Casey. Our tribe is pretty stacked if I do say so myself. I have bonds with everyone on the tribe besides Matt so this should be easy for me. Thank you so much Survivor Gods!

David and Luke have a lot of work to do if they want to survive until the merge. Matt starts chirping right away and for once, I don't mind him doing that. We get to Contender camp and I forgot how bad the shelter looks at the Contender camp. As we are making ourselves accustomed to the new camp and tribemates, Harry tells us about his son and wife from Chicago. I want to see if he is telling the truth.

I ask him if he has ever been to the top of Willis Tower. He doesn't know what that is. I let it go, but I am starting to doubt how real his family is. I need to keep an eye on ol Harry. After getting to know each other, I decide to pull Shaun and Casey aside to talk about the last immunity challenge. We begin talking by the well.

Shaun: Brett, it's nice to see you. Thanks for giving up the reward for me.

Brett: No problem. I am glad to be on the same tribe as you two. I am at the bottom of my old tribe.

Casey: You were? So David did not use the idol on you?

Brett: Honestly, he did not. I was surprised to hear that he used my name to cover his ass. Oh Shaun, the idol David gave you was fake. 

Shaun: No it's not.

Casey: I believe him Shaun.

Shaun: Prove it man.

Brett: Does it have the letters BP on the back of it?

Shaun: Yeah. How did you know that?

Brett: David made me design it for him or else I would have been voted out. That's why I wanted to swap with you at that reward challenge. It gave me a chance to tell the Contenders what he did so he would be the next target.

Casey: You don't like David very much, do you?

Brett: He's a nice guy, but he is power hungry and demoralizes people. I have dealt with shit like that for too long by straight white men.

Shaun: What caused the change in heart?

Brett: My boyfriend, a formerly straight white male from Colorado.

Casey: What is your boyfriend's name?

Brett: Christian and he makes me the happiest man on the planet.

Shaun: How did you two meet?

Brett: My Gramps lived in Charlotte, North Carolina and he had season passes for the Carolina Panthers. When he passed away recently, he left the season passes to me. I went to a game and bumped into Christian after the game. We hit it off, were friends for a month before he made the move on me and the rest is history.

Casey: That is so sweet man. What did he think about you being gone for so long?

Brett: He knew my love for Survivor and thought it would be an awesome opportunity to do something I wanted for once. His job has him competing to win every time and he is more competitive than I am.

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