Episode 6

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Tribal Council was insane but went just as planned. David is scared about his place in the game now he felt like he was going home. Will I admit to planning to vote out David? Not right now, but when I eventually vote him out, I will. I know that if we lose, Simon or ET will be the targets and as much as I like ET, I need Simon in this game simply because he is more loyal to me. Abbey and Simon are the only two people I can really trust. I trust Luke, but I know he will win this game if he makes it far so I am keeping him close for now.

I see Ross and Janine hitting it off and have to make a mental note of that. This game is about observing your competitors and see how they function. I value every single person as human beings, but I am looking at them as chess pieces I have to maneuver in order to win at the end. Ross is fun to be around, but he is not reliable. As much as I like him, he has to go. My best person to take right now is Abbey.

Simon, ET, Luke, Ross, and I talk about the difficulty of the challenges. As we start talking about that, I start to think about my family back home. I wonder what Christian, my mom, and my brothers are doing right now. I came out here to find forgiveness for my ex-best friend who dropped me because of my Gramps dying. I know I isolated myself after the funeral, but it hurt to not hear from Jordan and Tori until they told me that they felt it was best if I wasn't their best man. They had asked me to attend the wedding and honestly, I was so angry I said no and blocked them.

In fact, the only people I talk to from the Challenge are Nany, Josh, Jenny, Joss, Mama Day, and Turbo. I have turned off all social media before I came out here and only talked with Dee to get my head away from the world. She is the sole reason I am out here. Am I mad at Jordan and Tori? No. Do I wish I would have handled everything better? Yes I do, but I can't change that now. When I get home, I need to sit down with them and tell them how I feel.

I said some shitty things out of hurt, but I think I needed to in order to start the healing process. I think about what Christian told me before I left and I get my head back in the game.

Christian: B, look at me. You are a fucking warrior. You don't let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. You are the boss of your own story. Don't give anyone that power.

Brett: But what if I am feeling down and missing home?

Christian: I would tell you to suck it up buttercup and remember why you do this. Remember who is rooting for you back at home. I am proud of you no matter what, but I don't want you to doubt your awesomeness or second guess yourself because you miss us. Bring home the win B and we will celebrate when you get home. The McCaffreys have a motto in life: Slackers and quitters never win and McCaffreys always win. You are an honorary McCaffrey! Go out there and win!

I smile and focus back on the game. We get to the reward challenge and see that this is a challenge for burgers. It is a tug of war challenge. The Contenders sit out Baden, Casey, and Daisy. Our tribe is screwed because those are their weaker players. The first round is Shaun, Matt, and Sarah versus Luke, Abbey, and David. It is a struggle, but we get the first point. The next round is Janine, ET, and I versus Harry, Hannah, and Andy. We fight for a long time.

My hands start to slip when I remember a technique Neda from Big Brother Canada taught me for holding a rope with slippery hands. I wrap the rope around my left elbow and just yank it. This causes the divider to hit the Contender's side and gives us our second point. The next round is a twist. It is four versus four with two guys and two girls competing. Our side has Abbey, Janine, David, and ET and the Contenders send out Harry, Shaun, Sam, and Sarah. I feel like our team has a good chance, but I am not getting my hopes up.

The Contenders make easy work of it and get their first point. This next round is a sausage fest. I swear I feel the testosterone pulsating through the air. It is Luke, David, Simon, and Ross for the Champions versus Shaun, Harry, Matt, and John. It is the hardest and longest battle by far, but the Contenders get their second point. Luke is absolutely gassed out and I feel bad for him. The last round is a one on one matchup and Shaun volunteers to go.

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