Episode 20

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We get back from Tribal after Simon is gone and Janine is still in shock that Luke and Abbey flipped, even though I told her this would happen. I do wonder how Daisy is going to handle seeing Simon walking into Exile Island. I know Simon is mad at everyone but Janine and I and he would be a great person to use as a mercenary to get this big alliance out. I am so excited to see this battle at Exile because I think it will be a challenge for the record books. Simon told me that he is going to vote for me no matter what if I make it to the end and will convince the jury to vote for me.

I go through the potential jury members and know that Shaun will vote for me for sure as well as Simon. Unless I am against Luke, David will vote for me too. I think if I am against Harry, John will vote for Harry and so will Daisy. I need to do whatever I can to layout why I deserve to win over Harry and anyone else I am in the finals with. I start listing off my resume and know I have a good chance unless someone goes on a run in immunity challenges. I break my thought to join the others to head to watch Simon and Daisy battle.

I look at Daisy and she looks broken from her experience at Exile. I guess it was worse than I thought it would be. The challenge looks easy, but I can imagine it being hard living in the conditions that Daisy and Simon lived in. Simon starts and gets the first block on top. Daisy is taking her time and Simon uses this to try and get ahead. Simon fails right at the top and has to go back to the start. Simon and Daisy go to place their second ones down when I notice Abbey cheering Daisy on from the sidelines. She is trying to be slick about where she is aligned, but at this point she should just write it on her forehead.

I cheer on Simon as he places his second down. Daisy currently has the lead with 3 and I am scared that Daisy will come back. Simon catches up as Daisy struggles to get through the frame, but maintains her lead. Daisy and Simon are at 4 when Daisy starts to panic because she dropped her block. Simon places his fifth on the stack as he takes the lead. Janine cheers Simon on and Daisy places her fifth one on the stack. Simon is nearly on the 6th one at this moment and I think he might win.

He places his sixth and Daisy slowly follows him. They are neck and neck at this point and swap leads. Daisy looks at her stack and realizes that it is leaning too much to one side and will have to adjust it later. Simon's stack looks good, but is a little crooked as well, just not as much as Daisy's is. Simon places his 8th and assesses his stack and realizes it is getting bad. Daisy places her eighth block and as she pulls away, her entire stack falls over. I get excited because this sets her back big time.

Simon places his ninth block and it falls over. Now they both are at the beginning all over again. I instruct Simon on how to place the blocks. At this point, Daisy has a one block lead as Simon is taking his time placing them correctly. Daisy is at her last block and I am just praying that it falls over so Simon has a chance to win. Simon is heading back with his tenth as Daisy attempts to place it on her stack. As she is about to place it on the stack, Daisy's stack falls over at the last possible second. Simon places his tenth block on and it lasts the three count Jonathan gives him, securing his spot back into the game. 

I feel bad that Daisy has to put her buff in the fire, but I am just glad she cannot ruin my chances to make it to the end. She did fight hard and actually deserves to be here more than Baden or Abbey do. She should be proud of the way the game is played and if asked who I feel deserves to be in the end of the jury, I would say Daisy's name in a heartbeat. Everyone is trying to kiss Simon's ass right now, but Simon knows who was in his corner before he got voted out and during the challenge.

Getting back to camp is fun because Simon is angry and knows he needs to win to stay alive. He goes to look for an idol to safe himself and I know he needs to find out in order to stay alive in this game. Janine and I talk about our position in the game and we know we are screwed. We have to win this immunity in order to survive the vote. I have another plan in motion, but I need to see how the immunity challenge plays out first. One thing I am shocked about is that Simon seems mad at everyone, including Janine and I who saved him.

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