Episode 18

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After Tribal Council, we head back to camp and it is tense. Daisy is mad that she just misplayed her idol and I try not to smile in front of her because I know that would piss her off even more. I sit by the fire and think about how close I am until the end. Eventually, the 5 of us Champions are going to split up and I need a contingency plan so I do not end up a man up the creek without a paddle. Man, I did not realize how many of the sayings Gramps told me would follow me out here to Survivor.

I wake up the next day and feel ready to take on whatever Survivor decides to throw at me. One person I really want to get close to is Baden. Look, I feel close with Baden, but I need to keep working on our relationship so if he ends up at the end and choosing someone to take with him, he would feel more inclined to take me. I watch Baden try to open a coconut with the machete and I start bursting out in laughter. He is trying so hard to open it, but failing so miserably at the same time. I want to go over them and show him how, but I think this is showing the tribe how weak he is around camp and will bring him to the end.

I have a weird feeling that this next vote, something really bad is going to happen that will not cause someone to go home. I woke up last night because I had a weird dream that no one went home tonight. Everyone at camp is acting like they are happy, but Daisy is still beating herself up for not playing the idol right. I get being upset about that, but she is letting it get to her attitude in the game. When Daisy goes to look for an idol, I follow her with the intention of catching her find the idol. 

Simon and Luke decide to take over my role and I head back to camp. When I do that, I notice Daisy coming back alone, but no Simon or Luke to be found. I start to worry that Daisy told them something about the idol situation and hope she did not reveal my name to them. I need to either win this next immunity or make sure Luke does not vote me out. We head to the reward challenge and my mind is distracted.

We get to the challenge and I see that it is standing on pegs. Jonathan tells us that it is in pairs and I hope I get a good partner. We draw rocks to decide our partners. I am just praying that I got a good partner. The pairs are Luke and Baden, Harry and Abbey, Simon and Janine, and Daisy and I. Daisy and I laugh because we are always partners in challenges like this. We start the challenge and I know I am going to lose. 

We have to remove pegs with numbers on them as the challenge continues. The first peg is peg number 6 and everyone is able to remove theirs. Next up is my peg, peg number 15. Simon and I get our pegs our quickly. Luke takes a few minutes to grope Baden, but he finally gets it out. Harry has a hard time getting his peg out and falls, causing him and Abbey to be eliminated from the challenge. Harry is mad at himself for this.

The next peg is peg number 2 and Janine and I get the pegs quickly. Baden follows us and gets his peg out. As I am answering Jonathan's question, I notice Luke whispering to Baden in what looks like to be a discussion about who to vote out next Tribal. This worries me because I have a feeling that Luke will use Baden to get to me. We start removing pegs like nothing and everyone is still in this. I am starting to get irritated that no one has dropped yet besides the team of Harry and Abbey.

Janine is like a monkey in this challenge, using her feet like a claw machine to get her pegs off. Luke and Baden end up switching positions to help navigate their board better. When peg number 14 comes up, this changes things. Luke and Baden are debating what to do about the peg and they take a risk and it initially pays off, but then Baden falls off. It is down to Simon and Janine and Daisy and I. Peg number 17 comes up and both teams have to work really hard to make sure we don't fall off. We somehow manage to get the peg out, but at this point, I am exhausted.

We get peg number 7 and it is right in front of me. I grab it and take it out easily. I get distracted and realize that the peg I am using to support my hands is slipping out and I fall, causing us to lose the challenge and Simon and Janine win the reward. I feel like shit because I know how bad Daisy wanted this reward. Simon and Janine get to choose one more pair to go with them and Janine and Simon choose us to go on the reward. We both are really excited to go on the reward, but I am nervous about leaving Luke with the three former Contenders alone at camp.

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