Episode 19

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We get back from Tribal Council and Daisy was just sent to Exile Island. I know I should be happy about still being in the game and having my target go home, but I cannot feel that way when I know I am at the bottom because the people I were loyal to turned on me. I knew coming into the game I was probably going to be on the bottom at some point, but I thought it was going to be because of my previous status as a winner or because of my physical prowess. I did not think it was for something I did not even do.

What Daisy actually did for me was show me everyone's true colors and make me a free agent in this game. I know that everyone wanted to talk to me last night to see if I was okay but I just acted like I did not feel well. I wake up early the next morning and start gathering fire wood and try to be as helpful around camp as I possibly can. Soon after I start, everyone else joins me in doing so. Luke goes swimming and I decide to keep up the free agent card. I know that Harry and Baden have good chances at winning because of their stories.

I also know Harry is going to try and split up the Champions alliance. This means that I have to guarantee my safety tonight by winning today's immunity challenge. I know Luke does not trust the Champions anymore and since he has said to me that he does not trust me anymore, I have a feeling Janine and I are 1 and 2 on his radar. I might have to look for an idol to save Janine since I can save myself with my own idol. Janine feels safe with our Champion alliance, but I am not so sure since Luke has already flipped and Simon and Abbey can easily be swayed to flipped.

I see Harry trying to talk to Abbey and I can tell he is trying to flip her over to his side. I keep my eye on them because I am more scared of Abbey flipping tham Harry convincing her. I have had this feeling that Abbey could flip to save her own ass and while I think it is smart for her to do, I need her to stay loyal. Baden joins the conversation and they just continue as if nothing happened, leading me to believe that Baden is close with them too. He already chose his side last immunity. I now know it runs deeper than I thought it did.

Abbey's chat with Harry and Baden has left her in a pensive mode and I am screwed at this point because I know exactly what she is thinking. Janine has been her closest ally this entire game and Abbey feels like she has to flip the alliance on its head in order to have a chance at winning in the end. I am worried that my name could be the one that is sent to Exile to join Daisy and I need to make sure that is not the case. I just pray this is a challenge that I could get my first win on.

We head to the immunity challenge and I see that it is a hanging challenge. I am stoked about this because this challenge is more about willpower and drive than physical strength and I have more drive to win this challenge than anyone else here. Jonathan explains that the challenge will have us laying on a steep ramp with water running down it while holding onto a bar. If we let go of the bar and fall, we are out. The last person holding the bar will win Immunity. I go into Syn mode and focus on pulling all of my heart and soul into holding onto this railing.

The challenge starts and I am in the zone right now. I don't even worry about what anyone else is doing because I know that if I do, I will lose focus and fall off. Not even 5 minutes into the challenge, Baden slides down and is out of the challenge. That is one person down and 5 more people to go. Jonathan says that it has only been a minute into the challenge and asks if it seems like longer to me. I play it cool and say it feels like it, trying to seem like I am struggling when I am really not.

After a couple of minutes, I hear someone else fall in and pray to God it is Luke. Instead, it is Janine who has fallen off and this motivates me to win this challenge even more for the both of us. That is one less person to take this win away from me though. There are 5 people left, Abbey, Simon, Harry, Luke, and myself. Luke and Abbey are showing signs of weakness and I decide to egg them on, making sure that they fall off. I start taunting Luke how he will never be as good in competitions as David is and Abbey on how great it must feel to be the only girls dragged to this point in the game.

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