Episode 15

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Arriving back at camp after Andy is voted out is tense. Everyone knows the tide has shifted since the Champs now have the numbers. Shaun is mad that we couldn't change the vote and save Andy. I honestly am glad that Andy is gone because he was a huge threat to my game and was smarter than a lot of people here. He is the only person who knew how dangerous I truly am. What I have done is put myself in a situation where both sides want to protect me and go after each other instead. My social game has always been my strong suit in these games, but this time I am really feeling it work.

We wake up and see David in his interesting choice of attire. The man is a model, but do you have to wear a skirt like thing around camp all the time? His body is attractive, but he knows that which really bothers me. David is in a power trip and frankly I want to be the person to get him out. He begins talking about how his goal is to play every challenge topless. I know he is playing into the model stereotype and he is damn good at it, but lighten up every once in a while mate. Luke and I laugh at how over-the-top Dave is and how everyone is reacting to it. Daisy is gawking at him while Baden is cringing in disgust.

Baden has been an amazing person to get to know. He and I bond over things most people in this game don't. I understand his job and he loves talking about it. He also asks me about what I do and it feels nice to feel normal for once. Luke, Janine, and I are sitting by the water talking about how far we thought we would have gotten in the beginning of the game. Janine says she just didn't want to embarrass herself. I think she has nothing to worry about because besides Harry and I, she has played the best game. She has held her own in the challenges and is known for her intelligence in regard to the game.

Janine has been one of my favorite people to get to know in this game and am glad to call her my friend. Luke and Janine share a really sweet moment and I try to stay out of the way. I understand how important these types of talks are for people watching and playing the game and I don't want to ruin that for anyone. Luke, Baden, and I go for a walk to just chat.

Baden: What's happening tomorrow? I have no clue. I don't really have a feeling as to who would be up other then maybe Shaun. I know the six Champions are still pretty unified. 

Luke: Look, I think it is Shaun.

Baden: I think a lot of people have Shaun on their minds. 

Luke: It's just a matter of if he wins immunity or not. 

Baden: Here's my thing. I would rather get rid of a physical threat sooner rather than later. That's in the moment Shaun and Blackie. I think we need to get rid of them sooner rather than later. 

All of a sudden, Shaun walks up and asks what is going on. I play dumb and pretend I can't hear him. Luke and Baden tell him they were talking about their families and Shaun acts like he buys it and leaves. I can tell he doesn't because Shaun tends to brush his hair whenever he feels uncomfortable or lied to. It is something I picked up on when we were tribemates. I am so thankful for my classwork in psychology or else I might not have been able to pick that up.

All three of us head back and while Luke goes to the beach to stretch, I pretend like I am going to find Abbey when really I hide behind the shelter and eavesdrop on Daisy, Baden, and Shaun. Baden brings up the notion that he is trying to see where Luke's head is at and pick out the challenge threat from the Champions. Daisy inquires about who he thinks that is and Baden says David. I can see why Luke likes the creeping strategy because if done properly, it can lead to finding out valuable information to move you forward in the game.

Dave and Shaun are like two cats in a turf war trying to mark their territory. Everyone knows they are targeting each other and is letting them do it. Both of them are too scared to make a move and it might be time for Syn to pull that move. We walk to the reward challenge and see huge poles with foot rests on them. This reminds me of the challenge Parvati dominated in Survivor US and Brooke did on Season 1 of Australian Survivor. Jonathan announces that the prize is a new car and I am not really excited. It's not like I don't need a car. It's just that in Survivor history, anyone who has won the car has ended up losing the game.

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