Episode 5

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After Nova's elimination, I am starting to feel good about my alliance. I think the six strongest players on our tribe are in our alliance. I do wonder how the other tribe is getting along. From my extensive knowledge of Survivor, I know that tribes that win a lot during pre-merge end up crashing and burning post merge. I think that might happen to the Contenders.

Now that Masterchef Nova is gone, Ross is stepping up as chef for the tribe. His cooking is just as good as Nova's is and he is not as hostile as Nova. In our alliance, I would say that there is a pecking order. Luke is the face of our alliance. What I mean by this is that Luke is seen by the others as the leader of the alliance. Next in the pecking order is David. He is the wingman of the alliance.

Following him is Janine, the brains of the alliance. She is perceived as the strategist that comes up with all of our plans. I follow her and I am known as the smoother. My job is to make sure whoever is going home or against us feels comfortable enough with me to tell them their ideas. When their ideas are mysteriously found out, I conveniently have no idea how they were told. That is because I am able to convince people that I am not in the alliance.

After that are Abbey and Ross. They are the votes in the alliance. I am building closer bonds with them than the other three are and we have formed our own sub alliance. It is going to be interesting when it comes time to target Luke and David. That will truly test the alliance. One of the people I have branched out and started bonding with is Simon. Simon is a great guy and is very easy on the eyes. He reminds me of Turbo with his physicality and demeanor, but not as intimidating.

We get to the reward challenge and it seems like a shoe-in for our team since we have two former AFL champions in Abbey and Simon. Shaun will be our only competition since he played AFL professionally too. During the challenge, I feel out of it but try not to show it. In all honesty, I don't even know how we won. I just know that I made back to camp and was eating fish and chips.

When we get back from camp, Janine pulls me aside and tells me that David and Shaun know about the idol and that they are going to exchange idols.

Janine: What should I do? Should I give him my idol?

Brett: No. Tell David to come up with his own. You found the damn thing. You control what you do with it.

I walk away and let her tell David the news. I see David getting frustrated with Janine and storming over to me. He pulls me aside to talk.

David: I need your help.

Brett: Nice to see you too.

David: Brett, I'm serious.

Brett: Well then. What do you need my help with?

David: I need you to help me create a fake idol to give to Shaun.

Why would he want to do that to Shaun? Shaun seems like a good guy. This could potentially screw David's game up. Wait, that's a genius move. I will help David make the damn idol and tell Shaun it's a fake at the tribe swap.

Brett: I'll help you.

David: Really?

Brett: Yeah. That's what friends do.

David: Thanks man.

Brett: No problem.

I really hope David buys my buddy-buddy act. After talking with David, everyone starts talking about their inspirations for being on Survivor. I talk about how I want to prove to my Gramps that he was right to believe in me. Abbey and Janine start tearing up when I talk about Gramps. When Luke starts talking about his daughter, I try to keep it together, but I break after I see how much he loves her. It just goes to show how amazing of a person Luke truly is. However, I cannot bring Luke to the end now because his story will easily win him the game. 

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