Episode 24

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Luke was just voted out with me being the sole vote and I am still heartbroken about the decision I had to make. I know Luke says he understands, but I hope he truly means what he said. It finally hits me when we enter camp that I am officially in the final 3 as the last remaining Champion left in the running for the grand prize. I wake up the next morning and I am ready to take on these two Contenders and prove why I was deemed a Champion in the first place. We walk to the immunity challenge and it is a long walk until we get there.

When we finally arrive at the challenge, the challenge looks like the one Kristie won on her season. Jonathan explains the rules to us and it is going to be a long one. We will stand on narrow pedestals while holding onto ropes attached to two heavy idols. If we release our idols or take a foot off the pedestal, we will be out. The last person remaining will win Immunity and guarantee their spot in the Final Two. This is so nerve-wrecking. Jonathan brings up the fact that it would be better to have support from the ones you love and my heart shatters. I have not told anyone I am on here except Christian and I know Christian is training right now.

There is no way that they had Christian come out to Fiji to support me. I would lose my mind right now if they did so. He has been my rock over the last two months. Harry's loved one is up first and we get to see his girlfriend Jordan and his mom. It makes me feel so good inside to see this side of Harry. Harry's girlfriend is a sweetheart and I am so happy he has someone in his life as sweet as her. Baden's loved ones are up next and it is his brother and his parents. He seems so happy to see his parents.

Baden's parents are so much like him and it is nice to see the family dynamic he talked about so much play out in front of us. It makes me miss my brothers and my mom more than I thought I would. Jonathan turns the question to me and asks me who I think is coming. I tell him how much I want it to my boyfriend and my family, but I know Christian cannot make it because of his job. He tells my loved ones to come out and at first, no one comes out. I start to think that no one was able to make it.

Then, I look up to see Christian and my family walking towards me. I sprint over to Christian and nearly tackle him. My mom joins in on the hug and I twirl her around. My brothers gag when I hug Christian and I smack their heads, causing everyone to laugh. This seriously cannot be happening to me right now! Jonathan asks what I am feeling and I try to put it into words, but I start crying. Christian rubs my back and encourages me to say how I am feeling.

Brett: Jonathan, these four people have been the best thing to ever happen to me. Christian was the first person outside of these three that I was able to love and truly be myself around. I never know how much I am going to be able to be around him because of his job as an American Football player for the Carolina Panthers. I met him after I lost my Gramps and was going through a rough patch. He saved me and for that I will forever be grateful.

As for these two tall, good looking goofballs, Xavier and Ryan are the two best brothers anyone could have. It is not easy growing up in Chicago being gay and not being into sports as much as the other kids. These two made sure I never felt alone or bad about myself, even if I am the older brother. They were there for me when Gramps died by pushing aside their grief to make sure I was okay.

Then, there is my lovely mom. This woman right here is an angel sent from God and I am lucky to have an ounce of her love. Her heart is so pure, loving, and non-judgmental and loves everyone the same. When I came out to her, I was worried because I thought my best friend would judge me. Instead, she told me that I finally get to be the person she always knew I was but was afraid to show. She sacrificed so much to let us three follow our dreams and I do everything I do to make sure her sacrifice means something.

I could care less what happens after this because I feel like I have already won. My Gramps would be so proud of me right now for making it this far and I would not have been able to do so without my family and these two incredible people with their families right now. I thought I knew what hardship was but I didn't realize I knew nothing about it until I came out here. Best of luck to you both and no matter what happens tonight, no hard feelings.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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