Episode 23

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We are on our way back from one of the craziest Tribal Councils in Survivor history and I still cannot believe that not only did I survive the night, but I made it to top 4 in Australian Survivor! I cannot even fathom the idea of being so close to the end. Now that I am this close and have made it this far, I want to win this thing more than I ever did before. I cannot wait to see the look on Baden's face when he sees me walk into camp because I know he wanted me gone. I still cannot believe Luke saved me and helped me vote out Abbey. It was not his best play, but I will take the win.

Baden is acting like he is happy to see me back, but I know it is killing him and Harry to see me still in this game. I am glad that Luke saved me because it showed me how much my social game saved me and without getting the blame for making the move. Now, Luke is enemy number one in everyone's eyes and Luke sees Harry as his number one enemy. This leaves Baden and I pretty safe going into this immunity challenge. Even though he did save me, if I get the chance to take him out of the game, I have to get rid of Luke. I would be stupid not to get rid of the guy with the most immunity wins, most connections, and most impressive strategic moves in the game.

We are all sitting around the beach talking about how we made it to Day 47 and I cannot believe we have done this. I would have never picked this foursome as the final 4 in the beginning of the game. Everyone has a good story as to why they should win and the strongest two stories are Harry and Luke. Baden and I are going to be given a lot of flak for not being as open with our moves as they were. I have to start coming up with ways to spin my game in a way that will get each jury member to vote for me.

Currently, the jury consists of Shaun, David, John, Daisy, Simon, Janine, and Abbey. Shaun is an easy person to appease in terms of convincing because you need to prove why you were a good player in his eyes. David is arrogant in terms of the game so you have to stroke his ego a little bit while remaining genuine in your answers. John is a tricky one because he never really showed anyone a serious side to him, but maybe if I appeal to his emotions and fun-loving nature, that could work.

Daisy is a game player through and through and will want to hear individual moves we made in the game as well as honesty about what we can improve on. Simon is old-school to the tee and is a big fan of loyalty and respect and hates when you are not direct with what you are saying. Janine is a thinker and is very aware of all of our games. She is going to want to know the ways we changed the game and how we navigated hardships. Abbey is more emotional and I need to talk about how I nearly gave up in this game and how I felt so alone for being ostracized for something I didn't even do.

Even looking at the three people left in the game. Baden is the one person I want to bring to the end because even though he has the overcoming social awkwardness thing going for him, he lacks any definitive moves and the ability to coherently get his point across. This became very evident to me last night when Luke sent him back to camp and before he left, Baden was stumbling and messing up his words so much he forgot what he wanted to say. Harry is good with his words, has made big moves, and has had a big target on his back for a huge portion of the game.

Luke has the best chance to win as he has done the same thing Harry has, except there are more Champions on that jury than there are Contenders. Plus, everyone loves Luke more than they can stand Harry. I know I have a better shot in this game than I am leading on, but I want people to think I am better to take to final 2 than the others so I won't have to worry about going home before final 2. I have a few moves no one knows about in the game. Plus, with signing my votes as Syn, everyone will know exactly where I have voted and what moves I have made.

I go to tree mail and see a box there. I bring back the box and Luke opens it, revealing a game we can play to get to know each other better. The first question is who we feel is the most honest person. Baden and I say Luke, Harry says himself, and Luke says Baden. The next question is who, besides yourself, would you give a delicious burger to right now. The two people who received the highest votes were Baden and Luke. They get to have a delicious burger right at camp. 

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