Episode 16

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We get back to camp and everyone is still in shock as to what happened. I am honestly proud of myself for not letting my emotions get in the way of making the right decision. David is happy to see is arch nemesis gone, but if David was as smart as he claims to be, he would realize that this is a huge blow to his game because now everyone has their eyes set on him and he has no shield to hide behind anymore. The weather picks up really bad and makes me realize how much Janine has helped me keep my focus in the game.

Janine and I are sitting on the beach when it hits me that now is the time to strike on David.

Brett: I'm ready to change things up. I think we need to flip.

Janine agrees with me and we hug it out. Abbey and David wave to us and we wave back, knowing fully that we are planning the demise of David behind their backs. I did not come to Survivor to be a follower. I came here to take control of my game. Luke tries to make light of the fact that he was almost blindsided, but he is still hurt. Daisy is hurting too because she just lost her comfort blanket. Shaun always had her back over anyone else, including me. That was another reason why I needed him to go.

David comes over to me and talks about how he loves being the strategic mastermind of the game and thinks I would be a good wingman to him. I agree with him to his face, but secretly I hate being told I basically am inferior to him. He trash talks Baden in front of Luke and I and makes Baden look stupid for asking why can't we even the number of Contenders and Champions. Baden actually has a good point and David is making him feel bad about it. I will not let David continue to act like this and think he can get away with it.

There are consequences to everything you do in life and David will face his consequences sooner than he realizes. I will make sure of it. David wants us to go along with the Daisy plan and say we are voting out Harry but getting rid of Daisy instead. He is acting like a dictator and I can tell Abbey and Janine don't like it. I bring up a plan to blindside David and Abbey actually seems on board with it. This plan is dangerous, but it needs to happen. I need David to feel safe with me in order to perfectly blindside him.

David is easy to get him to feel safe with me because all I have to do is stroke his ego and make him believe like he is the funniest and best person on the planet. I keep enforcing the plan to appear Champion strong to David so he does not feel threatened. This is the perfect opportunity to blindside him. I need David to not win this immunity challenge or else I am going to have to target Luke and I don't really want to do that right now.

We get to the immunity challenge and it looks like something in Big Brother. We have to find a bag of six balls in sand and land them on a paddle in corresponding holes. This challenge is anyone's game and could either be close or a blowout. The challenge starts and right away, I decide not to win this one. I try to blend in by appearing to be digging a lot of sand but really I am just moving the sand around.

After a while, no one has found the balls yet until Baden spots them. He starts placing the balls into the hole. Jonathan keeps making sexual innuendos and I cannot tell if he is trying to do this or not but it is really funny to me. Baden rolls the first one done and misses. I look around me and everyone is struggling. Luke finds the set of balls and I am just happy it is not David. Luke barely misses as Baden lands his first two balls. Luke catches him and lands one ball. I decide to just watch this go down because it is not worth me wasting my energy if the lead is this big.

Luke catches up to Baden and Baden starts to panic. Abbey finally finds her bag, but at this point, it is Luke's challenge to lose. David finds his bag and I am just praying that Luke can get his fifth and sixth ball on before David has a chance to catch him. Janine joins me in watching and I act like I am eating popcorn. Jonathan finds this amusing and calls me out on it. Luke places his fifth ball in its spot and I am getting excited. The sixth ball goes in and I wait for Jonathan to announce him as the winner. He finally does, securing Luke's first win.

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