Episode 21

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We just got back from Tribal Council after sending Simon home again and I just pray that Simon does not screw me over in the jury. I think about who is my biggest threat to the jury and who is not a big threat and realize that my best bet to win in the end is to take Baden or Abbey to final 3 since Abbey has made a few enemies since she flipped to the other side. I wake up the next morning and realize that today is my birthday. It makes me miss my boyfriend, family, friends, and Gramps even more. This is my first birthday without having my Gramps around.

In Survivor, I cannot relax because this is an individual game and at final 6, everyone will flip on each other to get to the end. I just need to make sure Luke keeps his end of the deal or else I could go home this vote. They can laugh all they want and have fun, but I know this game and I know myself well enough to know anything is possible and I am now the Contender on a tribe of Champions. This gives me fire to prove to everyone I am here for a reason and someone with a target like mine coming in can win this game.

I go fishing with Luke and Abbey and try to enjoy the fact that I am celebrating my birthday on Survivor. Luke and I start talking about our families back home and he brings up his daughter who was just diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at 6 weeks old. This breaks my heart because it must not have been easy to make the decision to come back to Survivor and be away from her this whole time. I see Harry talking to Baden and feel like they are targeting Janine. I just hope something changes this mindset and she wins immunity.

Harry is using Baden to further his game and does not care about Baden's game, which bothers me. I start thinking about why I deserve to be here based on my story from home and I think about how I have fought through hell to get to where I am at. I was bullied growing up for the fact that I was different from everyone. I have had to fight in every show I have been on to prove I am more than just some little weak kid to win each show. I have had to work three jobs since I was 16 in order to help my family survive following the death of my dad.

This is my time to show the world how much of a threat I truly am in this world. Baden pulls Janine aside to tell her that he wants Janine, Baden, Harry, and I voted together to vote out Luke, and while I am happy to have a plan proposed to me, I cannot go through with it because I promised Luke that he had my vote for one more vote. I decide to not tell Luke about this conversation until after the immunity challenge in case he wins the challenge. I do not want to be targeted by the person with the most power in the game and right now that is Luke.

We get to the immunity challenge and I am hopeful that I could win. Jonathan explains the challenge to us and I just want it to start already.  In the challenge, we will be tethered to a rope woven through a frame. Each one of us will have to untangle as much rope as we think we need to get across a balance beam to throw bean bags at a target to release a key. We will then unlock ourselves from the rope and complete a puzzle. First person to finish the puzzle wins Immunity. I am not the best throw, but I am really good at puzzles. It is key that Janine or Luke don't win immunity today for my game.

The challenge starts and Abbey and Luke are flying through this. I decide to take my time and focus on not getting tangled and having as much rope as I need to survive the course. Harry is struggling and it makes me happy to know he is not going to have a chance to win immunity. Luke feels like he has enough rope to go through the course and Abbey is right behind him. Janine gets caught and Luke figures out the next part quickly. Luke then gets tangled up a bit, giving Abbey a chance to catch her. Luke and Abbey reach the throwing portion and have two different methods.

Luke is throwing them fast and hard while Abbey is throwing them slower but more consistent. Luke makes it through before Abbey does and begins work on the puzzle. At this point, I decide to watch Abbey and Luke battle it out because I know I have no chance of winning. At this point, Luke needs to win in order to save himself from being blindsided. I see Luke getting close to finishing the puzzle and I just pray that he can pull this out. He finishes the puzzle and has Jonathan check it. Jonathan signals him the winner and I am glad he won. I hope Luke doesn't screw me over tonight and vote me out when I give him my vote. 

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