Episode 4

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We get back to camp from Tribal and I feel great. I just helped pull off a game changing move. As we are putting our torches away, I start to notice Luke acting like he made the move himself. He is bragging to Janine and David how he was the puppet master behind this whole thing. I walk away and lay down in bed. I feel someone sit down next to me and stroke my arm.

Abbey: Brett, are you okay?

Brett: I'm fine.

Abbey: I know that is not true. What's wrong?

Brett: Can we go walk down the beach?

Abbey: Sure.

I get up and walk with Abbey, completely ignoring Luke. We walk for a couple of minutes before we both sit down to talk.

Abbey: Spill.

Brett: Why did you vote with us?

Abbey: Because of you.

Brett: Really?

Abbey: Absolutely.

Brett: Well Luke is going around to David, Ross, and Janine saying he was the one who convinced you.

Abbey: Let him. It will paint a bigger target on his back. Plus, you and I already know what really happened.

Brett: Thanks Abbey.

Abbey: No problem Brett. Let's head to bed and get rest for tomorrow.

We hug and head off to bed. I wake up the next morning and join Janine for yoga. Janine is a very cool lady. I think we have a great bond. After we finish yoga, we join Ross, Abbey, David, and Luke to just mess around. It is nice to not feel like an outcast in this game for once. Luke is very charismatic and it scares me. I see myself being friends with Luke outside of the game, but in the game, he is my biggest competition.

Later on, Ross goes to get food and Nova nearly chews his head off. She is just mad because we got the best of her and blindsided her alliance. She tells Ross that she doesn't want to cook rice or provide food. You are a 48 year old woman who has been in the Olympics and politics. Grow up and move on! It does suck to lose control in the game, but if you act like a spoiled brat about it, then you might just be going home next.

I'm sitting with Abbey when I notice that Steve is gone for a long time. I ask Abbey if I should go see what he's doing. She tells me to let him dig his own grave. We head to the reward challenge and it is the Tower of Terror challenge. I loved watching this, but I don't know how I feel about actually competing in it. This challenge is scary as shit.

The challenge begins and we keep going back and forth in terms of who is leading. I jump and miss my first attempt. Luckily, Daisy misses and Sarah is petrified. I feel bad for Sarah because she literally is frozen with fear. I know I felt that way on my first Challenge but it took all of my strength plus the help of Mama Day to help me overcome my fear and complete the challenge at hand. I wish someone from her team could convince her to go so she won't beat herself up so much about it.

It comes down to Sarah and I to jump and Sarah hesitates. I jump and finally grab the flag. My tribe is going nuts! I swim as fast as I can over to them so they can start grabbing the buoys. I see John swimming back to Sarah to comfort her and I think that is so nice. I will remember that in the future. That is the type of guy I want to work with.

We get our buoys up, solve the puzzle, and win the challenge. Jonathan asks us to choose one person from the other tribe to join us on the reward. I immediately say John and everyone agrees. John seems happy about being chosen and we head back to camp with hot chocolate and marshmallows. We get back to camp and we start to pick John's brain. As we are doing that, I see Janine picks up a scroll and put it in her shirt.

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