Episode 10

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We just got back from Tribal and everyone is still shocked that Shaun is gone. What sucks is the one person I felt I could confide in is gone. I never thought I would meet someone for six days and completely trust them, but now I can say I have. I hope he is happy on the Champions tribe. I just hope I made the right decision to sacrifice myself by sending my closest ally over there. I need to figure out how to survive until the merge. I want to work with Harry, but after last night, I am not sure I want to be attached to someone with that big of a target.

I need to make the right decision every Tribal from now on or else I could go home before the jury stage. I didn't come to a different country's show just to lose. I came here with one goal in mind and that is to win. I have a feeling that Shaun is going to tell the other Contenders that all of the former Champions will stick together and they will do the same. I might have made a mistake, but I also think I would have lost the opportunity to build connections I need later in the game with the former Contenders.

I also might have screwed over Luke and David by sending someone with so much information over to their camp. I hope when I meet up with Shaun at merge, he still trusts me. It will honestly break my heart if we merge and Shaun acts as if the friendship we developed meant nothing to him. I might be here to win, but I want to have some heart shown in my game. 

Shaun has gone and so has the nice Harry. Dirty Harry has come to play and while it is fun to watch, it is not fun to have to live with him. I need to make sure he still trusts me. If that means throwing Janine and Abbey under the bus, then I will do that. Janine and Harry are at war with each other and I don't want to be a casualty in this war. Before we leave for the challenge, Simon gives us a pep talk that I swear would make Martin Luther King Jr. cry.

Simon: All right. Let's bring it in guys. Now we all know it is going to be a big challenge for us because of the way the cards have been dealt. But we've got to stick together. The ones that people remember are the ones that are seen as underdogs. We are underdogs now and we need to use that energy and fight to get us the win today.

We arrive to the challenge and everyone has sticks in their mouths in honor of Dirty Harry. Shaun makes a comment about how he liked the people on our tribe, but he felt his family was on the Champion tribe. That was a comment for show, but that really hurt my feelings. I have to stop being so trusting in games like this. Maybe I don't belong in this game anymore. If we lose today's challenge, I might volunteer to go home.

Simon must really feel confident in himself because he volunteers to be the person throwing the balls into the bins. Simon and Matt get their balls free first while Shaun has a hard time getting his ball off the wall. He finally frees the ball from the ball and heads to the next stage. Matt struggles to get under the net, giving the Champions a chance to take the lead. Harry and Ross struggle because of Harry while Andy and David fly through this course. We really need to pick it up if we want a chance to win.

By the time Abbey and Janine start the course, John and Baden are already on the second obstacle. John and Baden breeze through the course, sending the last pair into the course. Casey and I finally get a chance to catch them. We try to catch up, but Daisy and Hannah are too far ahead to catch. They start the last part and Andy is throwing. Dave and Andy keep missing, giving us a chance to catch up.

We keep pushing until we finally get to the ladder. We see that no balls have made it in for the Champions, giving us a chance to throw. Simon starts throwing and he is fucking killing it. He is like a machine with the balls and I can see the other tribe panicking. We get three in before Ross comes back up, closing the gate. He goes back down and Simon gets two in right away. We are up 5-0 at this point.

Simon drains another one and increases our lead to 6-0. He gets one more in and it is 7-0. The Champions know they have lost. Simon sinks the last ball, completing the blowout of the Champions. When we leave camp, Shaun looks over to me and mouths congrats. I shake my head and play the sad card. I know that David and Luke are in trouble tonight and I hope they will survive tonight. Shaun is going to be the biggest obstacle in them staying.

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