Episode 17

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We get back to camp and everyone is congratulating each other for the move. Luke tries to assure everyone that he is fine, but I know he is upset that his number one was just sent home. Luke, Baden, Harry, and I go down the beach to walk and when we come back, everyone is sleeping. Luke and Harry decide to make 15 handfuls of rice and split it between us four. Baden and I join because we want to have fun. I know that this is going to be huge in whether or not the others can trust me to move forward.

We wake up and I cannot believe that I have made it this far into the game. I am seven people away from making it to the end of the game. I never thought I would have made it to this stage of the game. Everyone came together last night to get out a big threat in the game and what's nice is that I am not seen as the sole person to do this. Janine and Abbey want to stay Champion strong until the end and the Contenders want me to work with them to take out the Champions. I am in the middle of everything and the only person who knows my game that is still in the game is Janine.

Janine is a great lady and an even better player, which is why I need to keep her close as a shield. Luke is the same way and I plan on doing that until the shield no longer serves their purpose for me. I care about Janine and Luke like they are my family, but I am also here to win and know that they would do the same to me. I walk with Luke to explain to him why we did what we did last night so he does not feel left out.

Brett: There was a vibe that it had to be one of you. Does that make sense?

Luke: Yeah. 

Brett: And so I was like I can't let you go. I don't think there is heat on you now. 

Luke: No, I didn't think so either.

Brett: As long as you still trust me like.

Luke: I think that most people know we are actually really close. But the thing is...

Brett: But we don't hang out too much at camp and that's what clever.

Luke: Ideally we move forward...

Brett: With just you, me, Abs, and Janine.

Luke: And hopefully pull in whoever's left.

Brett: As long as we still have each other.

We agree on it and bring back water for the camp. I think Luke feels good after our talk as I feel like I can trust Luke. I like Luke a lot and would not mind having him as my number one with Janine as my number two. I love having people want to work with me and feeling like no one is against me at the moment. If I had to look at who I want to target next, I would want to get John on because he is too likeable to bring to the end. 

Luke and I go to the well again to get water when we spot Daisy standing by the well suspiciously. Luke and I look at each other and both know Daisy has an idol. When we ask her about it, she lies and says she does not when clearly you can see in wrapped up in her shirt in her hand. I feel bad for Daisy because I know how mad I would be if I did all that work to find an idol and two people randomly came up and saw it in your hand. I promise not to tell anyone and we head back to camp.

Right away, we are sent to the reward challenge and it is a balancing challenge in pairs. Since we have 9 people, one person has to sit out of the challenge. This does not mean they cannot go on the reward. If they choose the correct pair to win the challenge, they will join the winning pair on the reward. Harry is chosen as the person sitting out. He has to choose between Simon and John, Luke and Baden, Abbey and Janine, and Daisy and me. I pray to God that he does not choose Daisy and I because it is clear which two pairs are going to win this based on previous balance challenge performance. I would choose either Simon and John or Abbey and Janine with the girls being my number one pick.

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