Episode 14

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The next day, we all arrive to a meeting spot where we see an individual challenge set up. I am hoping for a merge because I need to start playing my own game and get some of these big threats out. My hitlist includes Andy, Shaun, David, and Luke in that order. They are the four players with the best chance to win based on skillset and proven ability to play the game. Three out of four of them trust me and I want to continue to have that trust with them, but I am not sure about Andy as we have not had any real time to talk.

Jonathan announces the merge and everyone is so happy to have made it this far.  Everyone is hugging everyone, but I make it a point to hug Shaun, David, and Luke. I want those three to feel like they can still trust me. Shaun tells me that he wants me to meet him later to catch up. David says the same thing but in typical David fashion. Luke asks me how I am doing and where I stand in the alliance of four. I thought this was a really odd question to ask someone you just got reunited with, but I went with it anyways.

Our bluffs are black and red and it is surreal that I have made it to merge. I was nearly the first person voted off and nearly voted off two votes ago. I am excited to release Syn into Australian Survivor. I want to talk with Andy to see where his head is at and to pick up any tells he has. Jonathan tells us that we are having an individual reward challenge right now. I am stoked because I want to prove I can actually hold my own against some of the best competitors in the game.

Jonathan tells us that we will stand holding a sandbag tethered to a bucket of water above their head. During the challenge, we will be offered various temptations including food items, a call home and game advantages, which they may eliminate themselves to receive. The last person left standing wins a mystery crate which will provide them with exactly what they need "to start the next phase of the game". The last sentence really intrigues me because there could potentially be an idol or advantage in there. I know that I have an idol nullifier and a hidden immunity idol, but you can never have too many advantages.

I feel like I have a real chance to win this challenge because I have done stuff like this on the Challenge and have talked with Natalie Negrotti about how she was able to last over 6 hours holding her arm up like this. She told me to zone out and think about what motivates me. I already have an idea as to what I want to think about. We start the challenge and everyone else is complaining about the weight of the bag. I join in to not stick out. 

Jonathan says that there will be temptations throughout the challenge and I cannot think of a temptation that would get me to crack besides an advantage in the game or an idol. My only worry is that everyone will know I have it and will try to get me to use my advantage. The first item Jonathan offers up as temptation is what Australians call chocolate covered biscuits. Basically, they are chocolate cookies, but who's being nitpicky? Luke drops out to get the biscuits and I am kinda shocked he fell that quickly. I guess he likes his chocolate way too much.

Jonathan tells us that we have lasted 10 minutes so far and I feel really good so far. He then proceeds to pull out the next temptation, which is a phone call home. As much as I would love that one, I know Harry wants that so bad and I don't need it as much as everyone else does. Just as I suspected, Harry drops out and claims the phone call home. It is with his girlfriend Jordan and I find her absolutely lovely. It makes me think of Christian and I try not to lose focus.

At the 20 minute mark, I still feel comfortable in my position in the challenge when Jonathan offers up the next temptation. The next temptation is beef tacos with a margarita. Janine and Abbey instantly fall for them and I can see why they did. They have been talking about Mexican food non-stop since day 3 and they finally get to have them. It is like John with his parma. Jonathan offers up another temptation of spaghetti bolognese and it looks so damn good. Apparently someone else does too because John, Baden, and Shaun all fall to share the temptation.

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