Alone and Unwanted

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Day 1

I walk through the school halls and everybody's chanting "Slut! Slut!"

It's true. I am a slut.

It's obvious because... I'm pregnant. 

I'm who'd you call the loser, slut, whore, anything. 

I'm a werewolf and I'm pregnant with my mate's child. 

He doesn't want it. When I told him that I was pregnant, one word came out of his lips, abortion. I told him that I would never kill my child. That's when he rejected me. He said he doesn't want to be a dad at sixteen. I understand that. 

How rude of me. I haven't even said my name. It's Tavern. And I personally believe that that is the ugliest name ever. Sorry if anyone's name is Tavern

.I live in a pack house with fifty-four other werewolves. I'm ignored everyday. Nobody talks to me, besides my older brother, Koda. 

"Move, whore," I hear someone say. 

They push me and I nearly fall. 

"You okay?" my brother asks me. 

I nodded. 

"They shouldn't treat you like this. It's not right."

"I know it isn't, Koda. But I can't do anything about it." 

"You can tell the Alpha." 

"And what is he gonna do about this? Nothing!" 

"I hate seeing you get hurt."

"I'm sorry, Koda. But I'm eight months pregnant. I can't defend myself right now."

Koda looked at my swollen stomach. He sighed and nodded. 

"Promise me  that when you have the baby that you'll move out." 

"I can't promise that, Koda." 

I walked away so I wouldn't hear his response.

At the end of school, I walk my way back to teh pack house. 

A car passes me and splashes water on me from a puddle.


I sort of sprint to the house since I have to make the food. I enter the house and head straight to the kitchen.

"Hurry up, bitch, I'm hungry," I hear a pack member say. 

I nod and quickly get out some ingredients. I'll make sandwiches. That's simple.

 About half and hour later, there are fifty-four sandwiches on the table. 

I hear everybody sit down and I get the pitcher of water out and set it on the table. 

Everyday, I sit in the kitchen and eat alone. I can't sit at the table for unknown reasons. 

"I'm done, Clean!" Someone yells to me. 

I flinch and grab their plate and wash it. 

Everbody else stacks their plate on top of each others'.

"Tavern?" someone asks. 

I see the Luna standing there. 

"I just want to thank you,hon. You do so much for this pack." 

"Your welcome, Luna." I say politely. 

"Tavern, I want you to come to my office when you're done." 

"Alright, Luna." 

After fifteen minutes of washing dishes, I head to the Luna's office.

I knock on the door twice. 

"Come in," I hear her say.

I entered and stood in front of her. 


And I did. 

"Just some questions that I need you to answer, hon."

She never did look at me from her glasses. 

"Your age?" 



Five foot, one."


"I don't know. I am pregnant." 

"Skip that. Full name?"

"Tavern Naomi Crsipin." 

"Okay, now I need you to answer this. When are you due?"


"Boy or girl?" 

"I don't know."


"I don't have one." 

This time she looked up. "What?" 

"I don't have a doctor."

"Why not? You are pregnant. You need to know if your child is fine." 

"I don't have the money for a doctor." 

"Do you have insurance?"

"My parents never did give me insurance." 

"Who are your parents?" 

"Dakota and Jackie Crispin."

"Where are they?" 

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?!"

I flinched as she yelled. 

"My parents left me and my brother here for six years now."

"Why would they just leave you two?"

"They wanted to get away from me, they said." 

"Now, why would they say that?" 

"They never did like me, Luna. They never wanted me at birth. But they had to keep me, I don't know why." 

The Luna stayed quiet. She removed her glasses and kneeled in front of me. 

"Is that the truth?" she asked me. 

"I would never lie to you, Luna."

She stood up and went back to her desk. 

"You may leave now." 

And I did. 


New story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Y'all know what to do




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