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Jeon Jungkook

Hey baby

Hey  Jungkook

I was just going to tell you that I'm probably not going to come home early tonight

Oh ok, thanks for telling me 💕

Anything for you babe 😊


Alright, bye babe
Work is driving me insane lately, see you tonight
Bye baby 💕

Bye, I guess I'll see you tonight


I closed my phone and headed to my office as workers came up to me discussing about the project, filling me up with questions

After that, I just couldn't stop thinking about that guy name Jimin, damn I didn't even realized I had a boner until my phone ring which was stored in my pocket, the sound was blurred due to my pocket blocking it, and I didn't even process the sound into my mind.

I took the phone out from my pocket 'Seoyoung?'
I answered

"Hey babe"

"Hey Jungkook"

"What do you need babe?"

"Can I borrow some money from your PayPal? I don't have enough to buy what I need"


"Thanks baby!"

"Alright bye babe, I'm busy right now"

"Mwah! Love you babe! You're the best! Thanks for the money!"

I ended the call and smiled, 'I'm definitely thinking too much lately.. there's no way a sweetheart like her would cheat on me'

After typing the last words on a document, I looked at the time, and decided I should just head home early today to surprise Seoyoung and I might as well give everyone a break because today was EXHAUSTING

On the way home, I decided to buy Seoyoung a present since I was in a bright mood today. It was a rose gold necklace and it had a diamond charm in the middle. I was pulling up to the driveway and getting out of the car, but somehow I heard weird noises, thinking it came from my neighbors, I shrugged it off

Arranging the keys to the one that unlocked the house of great memories where me and Seoyoung had the sweetest moments that will forever be unforgettable. I opened the door thinking nothing, I headed to my bedroom.

I stood there, silence, my hands letting go of the bag where it stored the precious necklace that was laying inside a small cushion box


"It's not what you think it is.." Her face frightened to admit the truth

"𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩" ✓  | 𝐣𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now