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Jeon Jungkook

After weeks, me and Jiminie went on several dates while also having lots of heated nights. About a month later, I purposed to Jiminie and here we are! We are about to get married and I'm going to accomplished the dream of my life, which was marrying my well loved, loyal boyfriend, Jimin.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous Jin!" He was helping me practice my speech

"You need to calm down ok?" He assured me as he put one of his hand on my shoulder

"Ok, lets do this" I breathed in and out, even though it was clearly obvious that I could barely breathe

"Sir! This is urgent!" My personal assistant I had hired rushed over

I felt stressed in a matter of seconds, "what happened?! What went wrong??"

"We lost the ring sir and I'm afraid-" before she can even finish the sentence, I rushed out the door

'WHERE IS THE RING?! Oh my gosh! Why now?!'

I felt so disappointed in myself, my dad was coming over to visit me. "Son? What wrong?" When he saw me in pure frustration. At that moment, the weak side of me overcame me, "Dad Dad Dad! I-I lost the ring.. it's all my fault" I swore that I went mentally insane. He calmed me down and told me that he would take care of ring situation and that I needed to focus on getting ready right now. He rushed me back into the room as Yoongi and Hoseok came to comfort me. Jin was also talking with the assistant trying to quicken and settle everything. I entangled my hair and messed my hair up because of frustration. "What do I do?! What do I do!!!" I pulled against my hair

"You need to calm down Jungkook. Everyone is trying to help" Hoseok tried assure me, but it wasn't helping

"You don't get Hoseok!! You don't-" I cried furiously

"Jungkook" Yoongi said, placing his hand on my shoulder

"we will get through this" Yoongi finished his sentence as he gave me a look making me calm down a little

"I-I don't know" I slid down and tried calmly breathing

I managed to stay put for a bit as they got my hair and make up done. After that, I felt like I was going to burst, my dad still wasn't back. I want to quickly expect the good news coming out of either my dad or my assistant's mouth. The stylist tried handing me the suit, but I was rambling all over the place. I pinned myself against a blank wall, 'I hated being like this..' Especially on such a big and special day, this shouldn't be the mood, but life really wanted to torture me. I breathed in calmly as Yoongi handed me some pills, I quickly gulped in the medicine as I finally felt calm. It felt like everything was going to be ok when I know it's not.

I calmly looked in the mirror at myself as the makeup artist added some touch up on me. After that, I went into the changing room and got into the suit. I looked at myself in mirror, with the suit on, I smiled, 'I can't wait for Jimin' I stepped out of the room as I lift the curtains up from blacking their view. Hoseok, Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon all smiled at me as I smiled at them, tears were about to come out of eye. They knew as they immediately wiped it off, we pulled into a hug, "I don't if I would even do without you guys" I softly cried.

"Today's not the day Jungkook, you still have the biggest even ahead of you Jungkook. You wouldn't want Jimin stressing" Namjoon said. I pulled away as they all looked at me in the eyes, I gave them a smile again. "Alright Jungkook, I've got to go check on Jimin. Now, you be a man and stop those tears from running. I don't want the makeup artist quitting, ok?" Hoseok said pointing his index finger at me, I laughed as I wiped the tears off my eye.

"Of course" I smiled, and within seconds, he headed out the door. "Guys, how do I look?" I breathed in, they all grinned, "amazing." They all say. Happy with their answer, I went over to all the stylist helping with the conflict. "Thank you guys so much, I thank you guys for dealing with me, I'm sorry I'm such an emotional wreck-" I bowed

"No need to thank us, this is our job after all, we probably dealt with worse" one of the stylist interrupted lifting my head up

"Really?" I was surprised looking at their eyes with delight

They all nodded as I opened my arms for a hug from them, they all rushed into my grasp as we had a long-lasting, bond, and tight hug. We stopped as I bowed to them, they bowed, "Thank you for helping me on my biggest today" I thanked them as I handed their payments, they returned "no problem" or "you're welcome"

Soon they left one by one and I was so excited when I heard my father rushing back with the assistant saying that the conflict was solved. They had bought a new ring, a more beautiful one, the ring was shined by the diamond. The amount of light source the diamond was carrying was blinding, I smiled at the accessory.

I had hugged dad and the assistant so tight while spamming the words "Thank you!" out of my mouth

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I had hugged dad and the assistant so tight while spamming the words "Thank you!" out of my mouth. They both laughed as I gave the assistant one last longing hug as I paid her the money while she left. My dad had left me alone in the room and that's when a man came into the room. He walked over to me and I was guessing he was one of the people Jimin had invited. "You be good to my son ok?" I realized that it was Jimin's dad, Mr.Park.

He pulled into a hug, "I would love with my whole universe, shield him with my everything, and support by any way possible when he's feeling his lowest" he patted my pack. "Now that's what I like to see coming from you young man" he pulled away and we had one gentleman laugh with him.

I headed out where the priest was and where everyone was except everyone had actually just started to arrive. Jimin still wasn't here as I adjust my collar and sleeves while breathing in and out.

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