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[ Time skip | about 5 years later ]

Park Jimin

Me and Jungkook would celebrate every years' anniversary, years has passed by now. My dear angel was now 5 years old, the motherhood was quite hard, but with the help from my friends and families. Life was way easier, today was our 6th wedding anniversary and I couldn't wait for what Jungkook had surprised me. We were currently in the backyard and I'm with Jin as we watched our kids. "Ay" Jin whispered to me

I hummed in response, "I'm going to help you today for you kids" Jin replied

"Usual deal?" I asked

"Mhmm" he answered

We had this deal that whenever something was important that didn't involve bring the kids. Jin or me will help each other out and since today was my 5th anniversary with Jungkook. It was his specialty to take care of the kids. I heard a beep as I got out of the backyard to see who it was. Just as expected, Jungkook was waiting in the driver's seat. "Hop on Jiminie"

"I didn't dress yet.." I smiled, then pouted

"I got you covered, we're driving to my hotel, there's clothes there"

"The penthouse right?"

"Yeah, then we'll have dinner there"

"Sounds good" I nodded as I got into the passenger's seat

We gave a silent peck towards one another lips and Jungkook focused on driving again. Along the way, we found out about each other's personal life since there were rights as we were now husbands. In about 10 minutes, we had reached there. The staff members waved to me as I waved back, greeting them with smiles and compliments. He unlocked the door after we had reached the floor. "The clothes are lying in the bedroom"

"Ok" I answered as I opened the bedroom door

"Umm.. Jungkook??!" I yelled as he came rushing in

"What's wrong babe?" He pretended like everything was just fine

"Is that a vibrator?!" I questioned

"Mhmm" he slightly nodded

"Jeon Jungkook, what are you planning to do?" I put my arms on my hips

"Shove it up your ass" he blankly said like he wasn't joking

"Y-you're joking right..?" I hesitated

"Why would I be??" Jungkook claimed, 'oh no.. oh god. Lord, please help me'

I tightened my fist and shut my eyes, 'well.. here's come a knife stab behind my back'. I came out with the outfit and the vibrator was still in my hands. I try to hide it before he found out, but he already came so soon. "Do I really have to do this" I exhaled all my breath that I've kept in. "Of course baby boy, don't think I'll let you off. Your promised last year" 'LAST YEAR?! HE STILL REMEMBERED?!'

"Jungkook, that was last year. I did that because you were clearly annoying me, trying to shove it in my ass at our ANNIVERSARY" I exaggerated

"Still. What is that going to do?" He smiled innocently

'I swear to god.. this man is going to be the death of me'

"F-Fine, this time only, o-ok?" I stuttered, I obviously would be so embarrassed

"Yay!!" He exploded in happiness as he jumped around all over the place

I chuckled at his cute actions as I went to our bedroom. "Want me to help you" Jungkook still skipping around and acting all happy. "Sure" I smiled, not realizing the pain I have caused to myself. A minute later, we were in the bedroom and I was leaning against the bed board and clenching in the bedsheet. He was shoving it in and out of me, I felt the pleasure riding up to my body as he gave one last shove. Then, he had let go and let it stay there as it still vibrates. I guess I was sort of professional when it comes to keeping it in, 'if I just stay silent, I can do this..'

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