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Warning: Sexual scenes ahead please exit if you feel uncomfortable

Park Jimin

I didn't expect to see Jungkook, my next door neighbor, but I'll admit, he's fucking hot. Everything about him makes me feel satisfied.

"Nice to see you Jungkook~ never knew you would pay extras for me~" I licked my lips

"Seems like my neighbor, Jimin is a naughty boy~" He licked his lips

I went over to the pole and wrapped my legs around while I started dancing, I could feel his eye admire my every move. I got to say I love the attention he gave me, I felt special in some way, and I felt.. so horny.

I finished dancing and went over to him as he sat there looking at me with lust in his eye. I sat on his lap and could feel his crotch twitch and lit up. Shit, I felt so turned on, I almost let a moan escape mouth.

"Daddy~" I said purposely grinding on his thigh, I moaned, Shit.

"Oh little Jiminie is turned on~?" Jungkook lifted my chin up

I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. This was the first time anyone has really ever embarrass me especially in a club. I feel so damn confident when I'm dancing in front of them, but in this situation, I feel embarrassed

I liked the feeling, it was something new.

"Jiminie wants to play a little game~" (cringe) I kissed him, he tasted delicious. I licked my lips

I felt him bite my lower lip making me flinch a little which allowed him to enter his tongues into my mouth. We pulled away the kiss, a clear string of saliva escaped our mouth.

"Damn, you lips are so soft Jimin" I didn't even realized I was blushing until I felt my ears warm

"T-thanks-" I gasped when I felt Jungkook's lips on my neck

I moaned when I felt the sudden pleasure, "Shit, you're really good at turning me on Jungkook"

I could feel him smirking while sucking on my neck leaving bruises behind, I put my hand and stopped when it reached to the back of his neck

"Fuck.. it feels so good"

"Oh baby, don't get too excited~ it's just the beginning"

He stopped and kissed, returning the kiss this time, freely allowing his tongue to slide against my mouth. I started grinding on his lap and my lap made it way towards his dick. I moaned in between the gaps for air while kissing, we pulled away again, the saliva string that was connected broke off.

Jungkook licked his lips as he reached his hands under my shirt and went towards my nipple. Fuck, he pinched it as he started to lift the shirt revealing my body as he started to lick my nipple. I leaned my head back, moaning in pleasure.

"Ugh fuck, you're so good at this-" interrupting my own sentence with moans escaping my mouth, shit he's real hard

He stopped then looked at me, closing his eyes signaling for me to kiss him and I did. His hot breath filling my mouth, I felt so needy for his touch. Fuck, our lips pulled away from each other, I turned over to look at the clock and my time was done. Honestly, I didn't wanted to leave but I had to, it was my job after all... and I'm going to be honest, I didn't want to leave either, especially at this state.

I felt so needy for him, and if I had sex with him, I'll violate the rule in my job and might even be fired.

"Jeon Jungkook, your time is up, sorry, got to go" I got off his lap and fixed my clothing, trying to cover up my neck.


I smirked "of course" writing it down on a small scrap of paper, "call me tonight" I winked at him as I opened the door to the noisy music and going to my next customer's room

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