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Jeon Jungkook

Me and Jimin were in a position that I've never imagine will happen. He was sitting on my lap and I was hugging him, we basically cuddled. I didn't even realized he had fallen asleep until we finished the movie we were watching. I smiled looking at the adorable sight of him sleep 'cute' thinking that he had fallen asleep, I fell asleep

I woke up, checking my phone which was on the coffee table, it was 1:00 p.m. I rubbed my eyes and Jimin was still sound asleep. I started to caress his hair and awoke him, he pouted "what time is it?" He groaned

"1:00 p.m."

"Mm, I still want to sleep" Jimin tiredly whined

"Hm ok" I princess carried him as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I grinned as he felt embarrassed and hid his face on the crook of my neck.

I reached to my bedroom gently kicked the door and set his body onto my bed. "Jungkook! You didn't have to do that! I don't think I can sleep now.." I laughed, 'he is so adorable' I sighed, "You still want to sleep?"

"Kind of.." he covered his eyes with his wrist

I climbed into bed with covering ourselves with blankets "then lets sleep" pulling him closer towards my grasp and warming him. He closed his eye as he cuddled towards, I kissed his forehead making him grab onto my shirt a little.

I woke up, finding Jimin not by my side, I pouted. Getting out of bed, I tiredly groan as I headed down the stairs finding Jimin was making dinner.

I sneaked up from behind, creeping my hands on his waist making him slightly flinch. "Hey Jiminie.."

"Hey kookie"

"Kookie?"I confusingly said

He giggled, "like my nickname for you?"

"Hm, I like it as long as you like it" I grinned as he chuckled

"Hey kookie.." I hummed in response

"I've been wanting ask this for a while now—

—-are we like.. a thing now.?"

"𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩" ✓  | 𝐣𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now