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Park Jimin

I woke up, shivering, hiding myself into the blankets as I feel Jungkook snuggling me closer to his warmth. "It's cold baby, come closer, I'll warm you up" I went closer as he also pulled me towards

Suddenly a timer went off, I groaned, 'I seriously can't sleep peacefully' I sighed as Jungkook removed his warmth away from me. I snuggled with the blanket as it handed me some warmth, I heard Jungkook sighed "I have to go to work today"

"Can't I just go with you? I have nothing to do at home anyway"

"Actually, I was just about to ask you-"

"Great let's get ready"

I got up, going to the bathroom and ruffled my hair as I looked in the mirror at myself. After minutes of getting ready, I looked at myself. 'Perfect' I blew a kiss to myself and came out seeing Jungkook all ready

"Ready?" He tucked his hands into his pocket

"Yeah, I just didn't wear my shoes yet, wait"

"Ok" he tapped his foot as I snuck my feet into my shoes

"Ok, lets go"

We went down the stairs as I grabbed the house keys for extra emergency. Heading into the car, I adjusted my clothing while looking at myself in the car mirror.

"It really isn't necessary Jimin"

"I just want to make a good first impression"

"You're already looking great Jiminie, no need to try harder to impress anyone" Jungkook sighed as he stroke through my hair

"I know, but I want to give respect to everyone, especially your workers" I poured at him

Few minutes later, We finally had arrived. I looked at myself one more time. Making sure everything was perfect, Jungkook and I were greeted right away as soon as we entered the building. I interacted with them and made friends instantly, I got really upset when I saw a girl trying to flirt with Jungkook. She had herself all over him, I kept the jealousy inside me because it wouldn't help, it'll only make it worse. I decided to just be silent the whole day, and Jungkook.. didn't notice. I only talked with his co workers, but the girl who was all over Jungkook, didn't seem to like me.

It was really hard to interact with her, I tried my best, but I started to become her own personal servant when she ordered me around. People at work, defended me away from her, "you shouldn't be acting like a bastard Soomin"

"That's none of your business, I can order him around all. I. Want. So back off bitch"

'I was starting to get mad, I didn't care whatever she wants to do, but she just insulted my friends and I wasn't just easily letting her go'

"Has she always been like this? Ruling over everyone and calling you guys names?" I whispered as I saw her scroll through her phone by the side of my vision

"Yeah, she calls everyone a bitch, but really she is. She's annoying as fuck, but now we wouldn't bother because we're too used to it" Taehyung, who was one of the co workers responded back

"I'll fix this mess, I hope"

Taehyung chuckled as he whispered back, "ok"

I crossed my arms, "first don't call anyone a bitch when you are lazy to look up the definition, without looking it up, I can already tell a synonym for it and it clearly is you. No, I ain't one of your servants that you easily order around with, so aren't any one of these people are your servants either. So you can shut your mouth and go back to your mama, playing with Barbie dolls. Those are probably the only things you can control"

She stomped in anger, I smirked as I felt satisfied, everyone else made sound effects. Jungkook came out as everyone backed away a little.

"What happened?"

"Jungkook Oppa! This little midget was calling me bad words! You should sue him" Soomin whined as she wrapped her arm around Jungkook's

'Tch, hoes these days really know how to pull this shit off'

"Jimin? What are you doing here? I thought you went to my private room"

"Why can't I stay here? I want to hang out with these people! They're all so cool and nice to me" I pouted

Soomin looked at me in disbelief, she couldn't believe what she had heard

"Who are you? What are you doing? Are you trying to seduce Jungkook Oppa and steal him away from me?!"

'She's so dramatic, my god'

"Soomin, Soomin.. I believe that's your name right?" I headed towards her direction as she backed away

She hid herself behind the back of Jungkook , Jungkook's arm raised up which blocked me to get to her. I looked at him in odd, as I think he already knew what I mean

"You're going too far Jiminie"

Everyone whispered into each other's ears, sending assumptions everywhere.


"Jimin stop"

He looked at me in serious mode as I looked at him back. "Then, follow me Jungkook" I said, while pulling his arm

He yanked his arm away from my grasp, as her heard Soomin 'crying'

"Look what you done Jimin" Jungkook said while wiping Soomin's 'tears' off of her face

"Oppa, can that man apologize?"

"Jimin apologize" Jungkook demanded as I saw Soomin on the side smirking like she got what she had wanted making me more furious than ever

"What do you mean Jungkook-"

"I said apologize Park Jimin" His voice became huskier every he spit out a word making me flinch a little

"You know what Jungkook? No. I'm tired of this shit, I basically have no will when I'm with you"

"I said apologize" Jungkook demanded again as he turned his attention away from me

Soomin was whining and her crying was stinging my ears. "I can't believe you'll choose me over some random girl at your work.."

"She's my childhood friend"

I looked at the crowd and I can tell by everyone's face they felt upset for me. I looked back to Jungkook again as he was now soothing her with sweet whispers and caressing her hair. I clenched my fist, "so who do you believe?"

Jungkook paused for a moment, I looked him right in the eye. As he said the answer that I didn't want to hear.

"Soomin, but listen-"

"No. I'm not listening to your bullshit. It's only been like 2 weeks and you're already doing this to me"

"Jimin, please-"

"I don't know anymore Jungkook.. I thought you were special.. I don't know.."

I backed away as Jungkook tried to get hold of me. He stopped after one try because Soomin was holding onto him, still crying. He hugged him as I endured my pain, my lips felt like they were trembling.

"I-I don't think t-this will work out Jungkook.." I fought my own self to stay strong and not be weak in front of him

It felt legitimately impossible.

"Wha-What?" He stuttered as he widened his eye

Tears began to flow down from both mine and his cheeks. I bit my lips harder trying to real ease the pain into my mind instead.

"We need a break"


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