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Park Jimin

My eyes felt heavy as I opened my eye. I blinked as my vision became clearer, the room was illuminated with the natural sunlight. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, trying to stretch, but failed when my ass started to sting 'ow..' I rubbed my ass suddenly realized this wasn't my bedroom..

I was surprised when Jungkook, my next door neighbor, came into the room. He chuckled holding some painkillers and a glass of water. "Does your ass still hurts?" 'How did he know my ass hurts.. wtf' "um, what happened?" He giggles setting the glass of water pills down, then sighed "last night, it was you who started this"

"What?? What are you saying??"

"You said you were needy for me and you ended here, you could probably guess we did it"

I started to rewind and remember that was exactly what happened, making my face turn to a tomato. "I'm sorry for being such a bother.." I pouted

"It's not your fault, and to be honest, I guess I wanted you too" Jungkook grinned, I turned my head sideways, feeling so embarrassed

"Well I suggest you take some painkillers and go clean up" He smiled

'He's being so nice to me..'

"O-ok" I sit up against the bed board with the help of Jungkook, I took my pills and gulped in some water while I felt him watching me which made me feel red. 'I'm seriously falling for this guy..'

I didn't even realize I was naked, thank goodness Jungkook handed me a robe to cover up, he showed me to the bathroom. He handed me a towel with a giant black shirt and a pair boxers, I hurriedly closed the door waiting for his footsteps to fade. 'That was my first time.. and I did it.. with Him'

I silently squeaked and scream 'oh my gwod, I did it with him! I can't believe it! AHHHHH'

I suddenly stopped when I heard a knock "Jimin, you ok? I heard some weird noises"

"I-I'm fine!"

"Oh ok" footsteps disappeared again, this time, I took my robe off and went into the shower rinse myself with warm water, feeling more relaxed than ever. After I finished cleaning myself, I changed into the clothes Jungkook had given me. First it was big on me, and second, it only reached to half my thigh. I walked out trying to ask Jungkook for shorts, but I somehow bumped into him cause he was standing outside waiting for me just to make sure I was ok

"Damn Jimin, you look so tiny and cute.."

"Jungkook!!" I slapped at his arm making him a laugh in awe

"What?? I'm just admitting the truth!" He grinned

"I thought I wore pjs when I came here???"

"Oh yea! I put them in the laundry, you'll have to wait a bit" he shrugged making me feel more angry

"Hmph" I crossed my arms and went downstairs making him follow me down

"Don't you have work?" I questioned while walking into the living room and sat on the sofa

"Yeah, I decided to take a day off for everyone and me. Oh, and I took a day off for you" he relaxed and sat next to me


"You hungry? I can cook some breakfast for you" as he got up and went towards the kitchen

"Why're you being so nice to me..." I muffled

"It's for an apology for yesterday I guess?"

'How did he hear me?? Plus it wasn't even his fault..'

"Can I have some pancakes? Thanks" my tummy began to growl

Jungkook laughed "welcome" as he tied the apron to his neck and waist.

'Wow... he's so hot when he's cooking'

After he finished cooking, he turned over and caught me staring at me causing me to look away, "ha ha ha, I know I'm hot when I'm cooking " I looked over seeing him wink, I flustered. After a few seconds, he came over with the breakfast in his hand. The pancake was fluffy and a slice of butter was on top along with maple syrup dripping off. To top it, raspberry and blueberry was sprinkled on the pancake.

I gasp in excitement, already grabbing the fork and stabbing it with cutting a piece of it with knife, stuffing it into my mouth

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I gasp in excitement, already grabbing the fork and stabbing it with cutting a piece of it with knife, stuffing it into my mouth. Halfway eating, I saw Jungkook looking at me, then suddenly his tummy growled.

I giggled as he turned his stare away to the window, probably feeling embarrassed. "Hey Jungkook?"
He looked over "yes-" I stuffed a slice of pancake into his mouth. He happily ate it as I smile, "like it?"

"Yea" he grinned

"If you want, we can share while watching tv?"

"Sounds like a date to me" he smirked, I blushed

"whatever.." I quietly muttered

After we finished the pancake, we cuddled watching some tv, I felt safe in his arms. He was hugging me and I was sitting on his lap not aware of what I was doing.

 He was hugging me and I was sitting on his lap not aware of what I was doing

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'But I felt safe in his arms'

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