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Park Jimin

After dancing in front of guys for hours, I felt exhausted, it was finally the end of my shift. 'God, that was so tiring' I sighed and went to the back room, changing my clothes and wiping off sweat

I got into the back parking lot and got into my car as I started the engine turning some music up. I smiled and hum along to some of the beats I knew.

I finally got back and noticed Jungkook's bedroom lights were opened. 'Damn it, I'm thinking about him again' I dig through my pocket and found the house key, quickly unlocking the door.

Heading straight to the bathroom, I opened the bathtub water as I stripped everything off my body. I stepped into the tub and letted my body sink into the warm water, staring at the wall. In such a peaceful moment, I had to ruin it by thinking of that guy 'Jung fucking kook, I miss your touch already' I sighed, remembering I gave him my number, I grinned.

I got some soap and wiped my body with soap. 'Jungkook, I miss you..' washing myself letting the excess of the bubble run of my body. I stepped out the bathtub, drying my wet body. I sighed looking at myself in the mirror 'when will you ever get the right one??' I've been 3 relationship already and all of them gave me not the greatest past.

'I really need to get him out of my head before I scream my lungs out..' sighing while I headed to my bedroom and layed on my bed. I found out a random number was texting me figuring it was Jungkook I texted back

Is this Jimin

Is this Jungkook?

Ah yes, indeed.. I just wanted to test if I got the wrong number

Hehe, congrats

Finished your job already?

Yea :/
It was exhausting

Haha, sucks to suck
Anyway, just felt the need to text you

I miss your touch Jungkook ...
I want you here with me right now

Jiminie's needy ay?
You could come over if you'd like ;)

Would be a pleasure to come over
I need you so bad anyway ..

My body seems to need you too

You seem naughty~

I'm not like you 😉

I'm always naughty~ 💦
For you, of course I'll be~

Alright, I'm in front of your house rn, open the door

Geez, you're fast

Of course! I'm your neighbor -.-

Oh, wait...
Oh damn shit, yea!


I closed my phone and looked up, hearing movements going down the stairs guessing it was Jungkook, I adjusted my jacket. He opened the door, "Hey baby, you're so needy~"

"Shut up and let me in already" I hit his arm gently

"My arm hurts" He pouted pretending it really did hurt

I sighed "just let me in already" I pushed him aside as he became more dramatic

"Ow, my chest.." I took off my jacket and hooked it on his coat rack. Examining the place, everything seemed organize and neat. It seemed like a comfy home, I like it. "Let's go to my bedroom" he winked at me.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs turning a corner to his room which I'm guessing, was at the end. He opened the door and revealed his room.


"Damn Jungkook

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"Damn Jungkook.." he smirked

"Like it? You're going to be in here tonight~" he whispered into my ears making me flinch

"Stop joking around!" My cheeks felt like it was burning from embarrassment

He reached upwards from my shirt making me flinch again from the sudden touch. My mind was about to explode, I had an unaware feeling when I felt his hot breath bouncing on the back my neck and his lips turns to a smirk. 

"I'm not"

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