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Jeon Jungkook

I pulled Jimin out of the blanket and pinned him against the bed board. He shivered a little, I frowned afraid I'll hurt him again.

"Y-you have my permission..." he silently muffled

"Great" a grin appearing on my face as I immediately kissed as he immediately interacted back

He put his hand on my cheeks and we made out as the room began to feel more heated, we took little breaks only to pull back into a kiss. I missed him so much already, and the situation seems like he did too. We looked into each other's eye, "ready?"

"Of course" Jimin smiled as his eye turned to a croissant

"Ok, I wanted to try something new by the way.."

"Hm, ok? What is it"

"Strip" I demanded

"Ok.." he obeyed as he stripped in front of me

"Now, close your eye Jimin.." he did what I had told, I grabbed a blindfold from the drawer and apply it onto Jimin's eye

"What are you doing Jungkook..?"

"Nothing yet" I took a ribbon and tightly tied his hands together

"Kookie.. I'm nervous.."

"Don't worry baby" I kissed his nose and lips as I heard a giggle from Jimin. 'Cute'

Since it was the first time I've ever try this, I kept his legs untied

I sighed, feeling nervous "Jungkook what's going on?"

"You'll see baby" I opened the drawer again, grabbing the box of toys I had bought the other day.

"Spread your legs, babyboy"

"Ok.." Jimin hesitated before opening his legs open, he gasped as I pushed a vibrator into his hole. I watched as he moaned with the sudden amount of pleasure filling his hole, I smirked.

"How is it, baby? Like it?"

"Mhm" his heavenly moans echoed throughout the room

I took the vibrator out, only to poke it right back in, harshly. Jimin groaned, as I repeated my motions only to be in a faster pace. "F-Fuck Jungkook..."

I stuffed another vibrator into his hole, turning both of them on high mode. He became a moaning mess, I then take out a cock ring and apply onto my cock. I silently groaned as he continued making his pleasurable moans. I started to hardly thrust the vibrator into his hole, with the movement, in and out, in and out.

He moaned as he slightly moved his body, I organize him back to his position. He whined, but obeyed. I finally pulled the two vibrators out as I took a new toy which was a butt plug and inserted into his hole.

"A-Ahh... Fuck.."

"Language baby.." I connected our lips together, his lips were so soft, he had immediately given permission to slide my tongue through as I explore his cavern

His waves of moan rushed through my mouth and the breaks while we were kissing. We kissed again as he had try to explore my mouth in which I did let him. It started to become a heated making out session, we started caressing one another's tongue. Moans filled in and escaped out, the butt plug still attached to Jimin. It made him moan every time he had tried to moan.

"Daddy, I want you inside me please, I want you to fuck me so hard.." Jimin muttered as I broke the kiss

"Not yet baby boy, wait a little longer" I placed my index finger at his lips

He pouted, I can tell he was already turned on

"Daddy... can you at least release the ribbon, it's kind of starting to hurt my wrist.."

"You have to wait baby"

I took the toy out and inserted one finger slowly adding more as I continued the motion. He became a moaning mess, satisfied with the sound, I went faster.

With every in motion I fastened my pace, Jimin moved his body around, I placed a tiny touch making him flinch. "Stop moving around so much, baby"

"O-ok.. I didn't mean to, I-it just feels so good..." he silently mumbled

"Kookie, remove the blindfold please.."

"Ok" I smiled as I removed the blindfold, and sat it onto the side table, he immediately kiss me as he leaned his head closer to mine. The ribbon was still tightly tied making him fall back in defeat, he pouted, but luckily I held his back and kissed him. He happily responded back, giving into the kiss.

He smiled at me as he let his head fall onto the pillow, I stripped my clothings in front of Jimin as his eye glistened, admiring my abs. I bent down as I started to kiss from the bottom of his body. My lips slowly traveling all the way to Jimin's cock. I looked up and he was looking at me and his eye glowed with lust. I started to kiss the tip and stroked Jimin's dick, fastening the motion, Jimin bent his head back, groaning in pleasure. I took in his full size, he moaned in such pleasure as I deep throated him.

I looked at him as he made lewd moans, suddenly, an outburst of cum filled my mouth. I gulped it in as I stopped, Jimin looked up again.

"Jungkook.. my wrist.. it hurts"

"I'm sorry baby.."

I untied the ribbon and set his arms free he cheerfully hugged me. He letted go and look into my eyes, still hanging on with the support of my neck.

"Now, Daddy~ I want you to fuck me so hard, I'll beg to cum~ " Jimin hotly whispered into my ears, chuckling after

I couldn't wait anymore, he letted go of me and fell onto the bed, he spread his legs showing me his tight hole. I aligned my dick with his asshole, immediately shoving my dick inside of him, taking control of the way we move. We were both in sync, as our body moved along the rhythm, the room was filled was skin slapping. The hot breathing and intensely sexual moans coming out of Jimin's mouth, making me harder.

"Daddy.. go harder!"

"Oh you want it rough, slut?"

"Yes please~" Jimin moaned

I went harder than ever, he held onto my back, as I looked at him. He looked sexy when he moaned, swear dripping down his face and his face as he felt my size going inside of him. I groaned of pleasure and pain as Jimin dug his nails onto my back. "Ah fuck Jungkook! I'm going to cum"

"You can't cum baby~ remember what you said? You have to beg to cum" I smirked

"Please.. l-let me a..ah c-cum please" he managed to say while his moans was going out of control

"Baby, not yet"

Jimin pouted, I purposely started going faster, teasing him with every movement. However, I felt my climax rising up, "fuck, I need to cum too.."

"C-can we just cum together?.."

"Up to you baby boy"

I slowed down my pace as I gave a one last hard thrust as I filled him with my white fluid as he released his.

"Turn around" I demanded as Jimin obeyed

I started to fuck him doggy style as I yanked his hair closer to me, he harshly clenched the bedsheet as tears of pleasure came out of his eye.

"A-ah fuck"

I can feel my dick size bulging bigger inside of him

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