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Jeon Jungkook

After that, we had went on our honeymoon, it was fun and all, but the probably the most funnest days were the ones where we fuck. About 2 months later, we came back. We're currently in our car as we're driving home.

"Hey Jungkook..?" He looked at me while rubbing his belly

"Hm?" I looked at the rear view mirror

"I want to tell you something..." he looked away and stared out the car window

"What is it?" I focused back on driving because it was clearly dangerous

He had an awkward silence as crystal clear tears ran down his face, making me worried. "Baby.. what's wrong?" I felt concerned as Jimin bit lips

"I think I-I'm pregnant" it slipped out of his mouth

"W-What? Say that again?" I looked at him when we paused at the red headlight

"I'm pregnant Jeon Jungkook.. have you not notice me constantly throwing up, my weird mood swings, and craving weird food combinations?" He looked at me as the tears flowed from the sunlight

I didn't know what to say or how to react, I just froze there like everything had stopped. I reacted back to reality when the headlight had turned green. Jimin was looking at me, desperate to know the answer.

"I.." I managed to speak out a word, pausing again

"You..?" His voice was shaking as he bit his lips

"I feel so stupid.. for not realizing.. I'm going to be a father Jimin!" I screamed excitedly as we pulled up to the driveway

He smiled as his eye were puffed, I hugged him and showered with kisses. "Jungkook! Stop!" He giggled

"How did you notice?"

"Well, ever since my appetite changed and my daily throw up routine started appearing. I knew something was up and texted to see.. and here I am!" He pecked and gave me an assuring smile

"Let's go to the hospital to check , ok?"

"We just came back kookie.." he pouted

"I just want to see if the baby is healthy" I frowned at him

"Fine" he smiled

I started the car again and technically almost raced to the hospital because I was that excited. Now we're in the room and the doctor was applying cream and Jimin's belly. The doctor then smoothed over Jimin's belly with a machine, and there it was. I started tearing up as a small baby was roaming around Jimin's stomach. I kissed him on the lips,

"it's beautiful baby.."

Jimin had tears in his eye, as I wiped them with my thumb, "it is.. Jungkook, you're going to be a father.."

After some time, the doctor came back, "congratulations, your wife is 2 weeks pregnant and is very healthy. There's nothing wrong with his symptoms" the doctor smiled, adjusting her glasses

"Thank you so much" Jimin thanked

"Of course, it's my job" she calmly laugh

"I'm going to be a father Jiminie.!" I pecked his lips and leaned against one another's forehead.

"Now, Mr. Jeon, you have to be very careful around him, anything can happen and he might possibly even have a miscarriage. You better be careful." She warned me

"Thank you for telling me"

After she removed everything that was on Jimin, we were free to go. I was so excited, 'I'm a father now!'
As soon as we reached home, I called my mother, she squeaked at the amusing news as she legitimately dashed over like flash. I kissed Jimin's belly, "can you hear me baby?" I asked, Jimin giggled. The doorbell ringed as she brought in Jin, Taehyung, and Hoseok.

"OMG I NEED TO SEE JIMIN MOOVEEE" Jin yelled pushed me aside as the rest rushed in over to see Jimin

"JIMIN!! YOU'RE PREGO!" Taehyung jumped

They all start crowding up at Jimin and all hovered over to see the x-ray the doc had gave us a while ago. "OMG HE'S SO TINY KSDSJAHAHAJAJ" Mom screamed

"HE'S SO CUTE" Hoseok dance around

Jimin was laughing and staying silent most of the time. After that moment, everyone sat down and pouring questions at me. Since my mom and Jin was the most experienced because of having their child, they started making me write down notes. Like how gentle I have to be with Jimin, obeying Jimin's tiring orders no matter how hard. Along with telling Jimin about some advice on taking care of the baby. Since my mother had a girl and a boy, she would say the girl advices and Jin was telling about how to take care of the baby boy.

"I never knew you had a sister Jungkook?!" He questioned while looking when we're at the dining room.

"Haha.. well you see.. um she's like 31 years old and has a husband and everything.." I scratched my neck

"You better let me meet her some day" Jimin dramatically demanded

"Sorry baby" I kissed his lips as he smiled

"How's Minjoon?" Jimin asked Jin

"Oh, he's great! Has been a little naughty, that's all"

"Oh god, Jin what did you do to him?" Jimin started acting all dramatic making me sigh

"What do you mean??" Jin felt confused, but I fully understood what Jimin was thinking

"You didn't do any sexual assault just because he's naughty right?" Jimin worried

Everyone facepalmed except for me and Jimin, "What?" Jimin asked. "Oh god.." I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair, raising my eyebrows.

"Did I say something wrong??"

"Yes, yes you did." Taehyung claimed

Jimin pouted and started whining and gently pounding his fist against my chest. 'Is this is what I'm dealing with?? This is going to be a long journey '

"It's okay Jimin.. shhh.. shh." I caressed his hair and showered kisses all over him

He somehow fell asleep, so I had to carry him into our bedroom. I came downstairs only to be greeted by them making me take a seat, "future plan?" Hoseok smirked

"I'm thinking of settling in a new house, I don't think this will be enough rooms"

"Oh I can help with that!" Mother cheered

"Have you found out the gender yet?" Jin asked

"No.. well I was wondering if you guys would help with the gender reveal?" Before I can say more, they started screaming, but I quickly shushed them because Jimin was sleeping

"Quiet down!!"

"Sorry.." they all looked down and pouted

"Anyways continue?" I said as they start blabbering stuff all at me at once.

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