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Park Jimin

I was being take care of by Jin Hyung and my mother in law. They had revealed the gender to us about a month later and found out it was a boy! I still felt lonely because Jungkook wasn't by my side, making me sad and pouty. He was always at work, my mother in law had noticed, "what's wrong Jimin?"

"I miss Jungkook.." I frowned

"Aww, come here" she embraced me into a comforting hug

I smiled a little, but my heart was still aching for Jungkook's sight. My heart ached for his touch and his love, and affection, but he knew Jungkook would be home at least the earliest was 9:00 p.m. Even though, I had Jin and my mother by my side, I still felt the discomfort. It was like something was missing and I knew it was Jungkook, he was like the key to my locked heart. So every night, I wait at least till 8:54 p.m.. until Jin or my mother would make me get some rest. The pregnancy was killing me, the baby would kick almost during anytime even when I was sleeping! Waking me up all the time, it felt like a pain in the ass. Now I felt grateful for how my mom would deal with me when she was in her mother hood.

[ Time Skip | About 7 months later ]

I checked the time on the clock and it was around 9:00 p.m. , and to be honest I was surprised that I was getting scolded. It was supposed to be my 'bedtime' however, I wasn't getting any sleep today, I wanted to see Jungkook at least once. Suddenly, the door open as my eye shot open to see who it was. It was getting blurry and I felt my eyes getting heavy again, I couldn't help from falling asleep.

[ 3rd person POV ]

Jungkook had closed the door behind as he saw Jimin lying on the couch. He was sound asleep, sloping his head on the side. Jungkook admired the cute fluff of ball that was still sound asleep. He returned back to reality as he finally realizing he was in reality and not his dreams. He carried the sleeping boy into his arms as the little sleeping fluff ball crawled into closer towards Jungkook warmth. The man smiled as he looked dearly into his wife and wondering what he had done to deserve such an adorable angel.

Jungkook carefully strolled upstairs to their bedroom and sat Jimin gently onto the bed. Carefully covering his wife's tiny body as he adored him when he curled himself up in the sheets. Jimin looked so adorable and small into his eyes, and it was irresistible to not fall deeper in love with him. Jungkook had decided to take a shower and maybe make himself a little meal before going to sleep. So that's exactly what he did, after eating, he had gone showering in their bathroom. He came back as his hair was drenched as he swiped through his hair with a towel. Some water droplets flicked off and some was press against the towel, making it dry.

Jimin had awoken up because of the constant pain he had felt, he bit his lips from the whimpers coming out. It was really starting to hurt, and that's when he started releasing painful yelps and cries. He held onto his big stomach as he heard fainted footsteps becoming louder. "Baby?? Oh god.. are you ok??"
It was Jungkook, it seemed like he had just came out of the shower

"Call Jin.. I think my water broke..." Jimin's eyes shut as the insane pain began to sting more and more

"JIN PLEASE HELP! I THINK JIMIN'S WATER BROKE" At this point, Jungkook started to form fat tears rolling down his face. After all, he had never experienced this, it was all new to him.

Jin dashed up the stairs, completely flinging the door open, "this isn't a joke Jungkook- OH MY GOD! CALL THE AMBULANCE!" Jin almost screamed

Jimin began to yell painful whimpers, the pain was uncontrollably growing, more and more. His breath became increasingly heavy by seconds. He felt almost pale, Jin made sure Jimin was still safe. Later, the ambulance and it was fast enough to deliver Jimin into the emergency room. Jungkook went inside as they immediately started to apply all the tools on Jimin. It took a while before they started preforming. Jimin was yelling, tears were falling down his puffy cheeks.

"Push!" The doctor yelled as Jimin screamed holding tighter onto Jungkook's hands, the sound of a baby crying. Jimin relaxed his head back as he heavily catch for breaths. Jungkook pecked his wife's forehead, "You did great babe, I didn't know it as going to be this early"

"Same.." Jimin's voice showed an obvious sign that he was exhausted

The doctor had exist the room so he could clean the baby up, about a few minutes later, the Fox came back with a healthy baby, all dressed up. "Congratulations! You're a lucky one! You could've got a miscarriage, but you were saved right on time. He's a very healthy baby" the doctor smiled as he handed baby towards us. I got the hold of this adorable little creature first. He was so small and tiny around me, and he looked at me with big doe eyes. It made me smile just by looking at this little adorable thing, I poked the tip of his nose as I heard small giggles. My heart melted at an instant, 'he is so cute!!' Suddenly Jimin interfered, "What should we name him?"

"Oh! Sorry. I wasn't paying attention, it's just this. Ish. Sho. Cwute" making a baby voice as the baby wiggled around, moving his little body from side to side and giggling

I hand it to Jimin as the baby made a tiny gasp as Jimin copied his face. It was the cutest thing ever, this probably can be one of the best days. My wife, Jimin, was holding our future! I felt so melted from being able to hold an absolute angelic fluffball in my hands.

"Anyway, let's name him... Minwoo" Jungkook hesitates before answering

"Jeon Minwoo.. hm ok!" Jimin cheered and smiled while kissing his baby continuously making the angel giggle

It cupped the mother's cheek with his tiny hands and pecked it making the mother smile. "Love you, little silly" Jungkook kissed Jimin's soft, plump lips.

After that, the married couple shown it to their friends and family as the cute little baby got along with everyone of them. They were happy with the results.

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